Meeting With an Empty Chair (Part 2)

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There's nothing here. I've been searching everything that might be a clue but there's nothing. I don't understand why Capsize hasn't left any clues as to what happened to her? She knew she was going to be taken, she told Will and 'Nita that she was going away, she told me that she needed to do something alone, so why aren't there any clues about where she was going to be taken or what was going to happen to her. I don't understand it. Why didn't she tell me anything?

I hear a knock at the door that makes me panic a little because I know that everyone has been worried about me but that doesn't change the fact that I need to do this. If I had just followed her then she might still be here. Despite that I know I have to get up, I've put enough stress on everyone. I'm not surprised when I open the door to find Capsize's father, Deadeye, on the other side, a tired look in his eyes. He smiles at me sadly.

"Elder Idlestorm wants us for a meeting, it's about Capsize," I feel my body tense as a sickness rises in my throat. I don't want to have to talk about Capsize when I've learnt nothing about where she could have gone. I know I have to go but I really don't feel comfortable talking with anyone right now. If I don't go I'll get in trouble or worse I'll get other people in trouble for not being able to bring me to where I'm meant to be. "She'll be fine in the end, she wouldn't have done this if she thought she was going to die."

"She just seemed so scared," I didn't even realise it at the time but now I can't stop myself thinking about her words before she left. I told her that I would find her if something happened like she found me, I said, but I don't even know where to start looking.

I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder making me look up, Deadeye looks at me with a look on his face that makes me want to cry. Despite how he's smiling in a comforting way, I can see the dark circles under his eyes and, beyond that, how dim the glow around his body has become in the past week. No one's said it yet but I remember seeing Capsize with a dim glow, shimmering.

"Come on, it'll be okay," I don't think it will be but I don't him to get into trouble so I walk with him to where the meeting is. I know I don't look very presentable right now, I haven't left Capsize's room in a few days so walking outside makes me a little uncomfortable since I know I always get stared at. It never bothered me when I was with Capsize but now she's gone, the attention bothers me more than it ever has before. The fact that the walk is relatively long doesn't make me feel any better.

When we actually get to the meeting hall I'm not exactly sure what I expect to see. I have been in the meeting room before, it's where Capsize and I often have discussions with Idlestorm about the lost goddess and other things of a similar nature. It's a nice enough building from what I've experienced, a firepit being the centrepiece if the main room that makes up the majority of the building and when it's lit it almost soaks up the atmosphere with magic as the flames change colour. The back wall of the room is a stained glass window depicts a woman dressed in purple. It isn't the most detailed thing but Capsize said it was what they believed the lost goddess looked like and somehow I started to fill in the details myself when I look at it.

What I didn't expect to see is people I recognise, well no that's ridiculous, I did expect to see people I recognise but I didn't expect to see them. Standing alongside Idlestorm, Redbeard, and Lotus are a group of people I hoped to never see again. The Champions of the Gods are in the meeting hall, looking exactly how I remember them. I stumble back, hitting the closed door as stare at all of them trying to figure out why they're here, why they seem like they're nervous, why Redbeard is holding one of their hands as if he knows them.

"Hey. Hey mate, calm down," The person who speaks is what makes me realise there are two people in the room who are strangers to me. One is a younger girl, not as young as 'Nita or Will, not even close, but still a child, and a man, the person who told me to calm down. Both have parts of their faces that are covered of in scales, much like one of the champions. "Believe me, if any of this lot do anything to you, they'll have the gods' wrath to deal with."

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