Visions of Moons

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I brush the covers carefully over Will's wings making sure he doesn't wake up with crumpled wings. He's never cared about his sleeping position, meaning half the time his wings get into odd positions, but I have trouble telling him for about it. Him crumpling his wings is the only reason I found him when he appeared. It would be easier on my nerves if he didn't do it every night but as soon as Capsize get home it'll be less pressure on me to notice every time.

It's not unlike Capsize to wander off for a few weeks on some unexplained mission but normally she discusses her reasoning with me beforehand and doesn't just leave a note. It's only now she's gone that I've realised just how much she notices Will doing things he shouldn't that I don't. She should be back soon (at least if her previous disappearances are anything to go off) probably with a new random object she'll claim is very important and she saw in a dream. Will will like it at least but her collection (if I can even call it that) is getting a little out of control.

I leave Will's room as quietly as possible, the orange light coming through the window though beautiful reminds me how late he's been up today. It's quiet as I enter the hallway, the small house unnaturally empty-feeling with Will asleep and Capsize gone. There should be noises, there should be but there's not. There isn't, that is until footsteps come running down the hallway.

"Red!" I hear a voice yell as I see my friend run down the corridor to me. Her wings (those of a hummingbird) flapping constantly despite her remaining on the group. I know her well enough to know when she's nervous. "It's Capsize, she's in trouble!"

"What happened Lotus?" I don't understand, she's been gone for weeks. What on earth could she have done in minutes of coming back?

"She's brought an outsider here, she's brought an outsider right to the elder," My legs carry me out of the building as if I'm not in control of them. If it weren't for Lotus yelling after me that she'll keep an eye on Will, I'd probably be trying to stop myself. Capsize has had her unreasonable moments in the past but bringing an outsider into the tribe is going too far even for her. She'll be exiled whether her 'visions' are true or not.

The sight outside scares me as I realise how many people are staring at the same spot. Capsize stands next to a human, a young man (maybe just a little older than Capsize) with messy brown hair and some stubble. They both stand before Elder Idlestorm whose eyes linger on both of them, especially Capsize who doesn't seem to realise what she's done.

"Capsize, despite you breaking one of our most important rules I am willing to forgive you due to your previous services to the tribe," I almost breath a sigh of relief as I hear those words. Thank the goddess for Capsize's visions, even if I don't entirely think Idlestorm should encourage her. She can barely tell the difference between her normal dreams and her visions. "I only ask that you take this outsider to the village, you may visit him as you like there."

"But he's meant to be here. I saw him like I saw everything else, that's why I went to find him!" Tears are visible in the corner of her eyes as she tries to explain himself. Idlestorm touches her shoulders, in the same way I know she offend does in the aftermaths of Capsize's nightmares. She looks up, shaking slightly as she does.

"Tell me what you saw Capsize," She says softly, allowing Capsize to relax slightly (though as she looks at the crowd that's gathered around her, she still seems nervous). How can she be nervous at all, Idlestorm always listens to her.

"I saw that he would be the one to find the lost goddess," As soon as she says those words, murmuring goes through the crowd. While some seem excited that she's found the chosen one but most are angry, saying that she's gone mad. None, however, go as far as the man standing closest to her.

"You idiot blasphemer!" Capsize jumps at the yell and Elder Idlestorm looks at him disapprovingly. I have to fight the urge to run up to him and punch him. Maybe she's not in the right and this isn't her best idea but she's not trying to offend anyone, she really believes that he is the one. "A human can't be the one to find the lost goddess."

"I'm not a human," The man says, rolling his eyes. Capsize hastily nods as he speaks as if both of them know something no one else does. I try to figure out what else he could be but human yet I can't, he just looks human. "I'm a werewolf."

"Yeah, a child of the moon!" I rush forward because, suddenly, I know why this is happening. I should have realised that she'd only get into this mess if she's done it again. Ignoring the confused reactions of those around us (and Capsize's giggling) I pull her jacket off to make sure I'm right and I am. A large cut in her wing, so close to her back that it's a miracle that the stitches holding it in place were possible. Even now there's dust coming off her as the cut closes and her wings connect again. I should have realised sooner. She tears her wings enough for me to know how she acts when they're healing before she starts with the moon obsession she gets.

"I found her during the full moon, she said a man attacked her and I'd scared him off while I'd been transformed. I wasn't sure what else to do," The werewolf explains as Idlestorms brushes her hand over the stitches. He doesn't need to explain that he didn't do it, it's nothing I couldn't guess. The cut is too clean to be something she did by accident or for him to have done in his transformation and it's not unusual for people to attack lone fairies for their wings. "When she saw my birthmarks she insisted that I come back here, I didn't know I'd cause trouble for her."

"May I see those birthmarks?" Idlestorm asks him. The werewolf takes his jacket off, showing his left arm to her. The 'birthmarks' are five runes, the only one of which I recognise is the one meaning moon (Capsize has it written a few times on her bedroom walls from her previous times healing wing injuries). Yet Elder Idlestorm clears recognises all of them, tracing over them with her eyes wide. "You're the one we've been looking for."

Excitement ripples through the crowd as it's said by her, almost infuriating as they thought Capsize was insane. I mean, it was hard to blame them but they shouldn't jump to believe just because someone higher up is saying it. Capsize, at least, looks happy about their reactions.

"What's your name?" Idlestorm asks the slightly confused werewolf. He hesitates for a moment but seems to be convinced when Capsize smiles at him.

"Jordan," He says, obviously unsure if he's meant to say anything else. He doesn't realise that he could literally say anything and not be stopped. Elder Idlestorm nods.

"Well Jordan, you are welcome to stay in the tribe. We will discuss the rules after we give Capsize something to settle her emotions while she's healing. I expect you to stay with Capsize for your first few weeks here, she will work as your guide," Before I can stop her, Capsize hugs Jordan both shocking the werewolf but also making a smile appear. I manage to pull her off and start leading her back to the house with Jordan trailing behind us. When I've managed to get her to calm down we'll discuss this probably but for now... I guess we have a new member of the family.


So this isn't the story I was going to write next but well I couldn't do the idea I had so this came out. I was originally doing something with Tom and Sonja but I don't actually know what supernatural creature I want Sonja to be (mostly because I didn't want to just make her a fox creature) so if anyone has any suggestions for that I'll probably take them.

A couple of notes about this chapter:

- All the fairies are using nicknames, this is due to names being partly able to control fairies
- Fairy wings are the only things that fairies can injury don't heal near instantly

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :D

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