A Dragon's Horde

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I feel wind flowing through my branches as I lie under my tree, slightly shaded by now my own leaves. It's good to be like this once in a while, on my own with my tree and just feel everything I'm meant to without getting distracted by being far away. The others don't really understand (even Tom though he tries, even referring to my tree as she not it) but when I'm away it's like I'm leaving apart of my body behind. It's not like I can actually move her but it's just hard that the others don't really understand.

There's a movement close to me, shifting through my branches - not too rough, just moving them so a person can get through (to be expected with a willow tree really). I can't tell who it is but it's definitely Tom or Wag, a stranger wouldn't be so careful and Tucker doesn't come out here during the day. It's not until they lay down next to me that I actually check who it is.

Tom's laying next to me on the grass, clearly nervous about something from how he's acting. He looks as if he's ready to transform and take flight (though hopefully not while he's under my tree). Of course, if he does transform he might not turn back for weeks so I turn to face him.

"Hey Tom, what's up?" I ask, brushing my hands against some of his scales that remind exposed in his human form.

"I... I think that our memory spell has worn off," I perk up surprised that he could even know that. He didn't cast the spell on the werewolf and even if he did he shouldn't feel when it's broken, the spell would be disconnected from... oh why didn't I check earlier about this? I should have known he would have the moment they met.

"You horded him, didn't you?" He can't go and find him, he just can't. The man would kill him but I know Tom isn't going to get the idea out of his head. It's just the way dragons are, Tom just has the unfortunate part that people don't always what to be taken by a dragon. He can always sense where people in his horde are though so he usually doesn't mind if they aren't with him but in this situation... it's going to get him in trouble.

"Not just him, there's someone else too. He cares about her so much," My thoughts stop in surprise. He's never done this before. He's never horded someone he hasn't met yet. It's probably why this is bothering him so much, this is special to him and he can't go and get them. "We made him forget her. He could have never found her again."

"Tom, we didn't know. We just did our job," We're meant to keep anyone but the fairies from trying to find the lost goddess. The rest of us didn't like it any more than Tom. That look in a person's eyes before the spell finishes, it never leaves your mind. The fact he had someone that close hurts too but if the spell's worth off I'm sure nothing's happened to either of them. I'm sure if anything had, Tom would be telling me all about it like he always does.

"But he hates us, I can feel it. I want to find them so badly but he hates me," I try to think of something to distract him, anything. The idea that comes into my head feels like a long shot but it could work.

"Do you remember when you first met Tucker?" It was a long time ago (well if we were human it would be) when we found the vampire. We were going through a tough time ourselves with Wag's recent and accidental transformation and yet Tom was brilliant. If he hadn't done everything he did that night I doubt Tucker would still be alive. A small smile spreads on Tom's face.

He starts murmuring about the details, quiet enough that I can barely hear the words I've heard him say so many times (maybe I can't at all and they're being filled in from memory). It's one of his favourite memories, Tucker being the last person who actually joined the horde. Hopefully, it'll keep him distracted for a while so he doesn't go off and find the two in his head for a while. I know it's unavoidable now and he'll go and find them eventually but... I don't want to lose him because of something none of us wanted to do.


So this is a little short because this week was the start of the after college practices for the musical next week (as well as the first mock week of the year), next week I'm going to be tired as all hell so I wanted to get something out at the weekend.

Not sure how good it is but I hope you enjoyed :D

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