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I feel more nervous than I've ever been, too nervous to calm myself down made even worse because I can't let the nerves show. If anyone figures out what I'm going to do, they'll try and stop me. People will end up getting hurt if they do that. I can't let that happen. They'll understand later, I'm sure they'll understand why I had to stop them getting hurt.

No one knows what's going to happen. Well, that's not quite true. I told Will and 'Nita that I was going away. I didn't tell them for how long or where I was going because I don't know myself but I hated the idea of not telling them. This way everyone will know that I knew this was coming, Will and 'Nita will ask how I can be missing or taken when I told them I was going away. Maybe that'll help everyone else forgive me.

As far as Red, Dad, and Jordan are aware this is a completely normal day. I hugged Dad and mussed about how tired he looked as I often do when he's home. While it took a lot for me not to cry during the hug, I'm glad he was here. If he'd come back home to me being missing... I don't even want to imagine his reaction. I'm not sure if it was harder or easier to talk to Red. He seemed to know something was wrong but I couldn't tell him that. So instead I just pretended to be okay, just reminding him I loved him because sometimes he needs to be reminded about that.

Jordan's with me now. He wanted to come with me and I couldn't say no without making it clear something's wrong. So now I'm running words through my head of what to say to him before I have to be alone and what to say to him to make him leave. The second will be the harder of the two but both are important and, since I know I have limited time, I know I have to start talking.

"Jordan, if something were to happen to me, if I went missing, you'd come and find me right," It's an odd thing to ask I know and for once Jordan seems to realise, stopping in his stride to look at me. I try not to avoid his gaze despite how guilty his concerned eyes make me feel. He obviously doesn't know I'd feel this way so I don't want to confuse him.

"Of course Cap. Of course, I would. Just like you found me, remember," For a moment I don't, the stress I'm facing right now making it hard to think. As I remember, I smile because he sees that as enough to find me without question. I know that he is questioning though, there's no way he couldn't be but at least he didn't ask the question first. "You are alright though, I shouldn't be worried?"

"Of course I am, I just-" A feeling of something watching me stops me in my tracks. It's here but I haven't even had time to tell him everything I wanted to. I almost want to break down but I can't, it won't help and if I don't act then Jordan will end up hurt. "I need to do something alone today, I'm just a little nervous. You know how the mind wanders."

"By today, when do you-"

"Now," I say, cutting Jordan off. I don't mean to but I'm not sure how patient the thing is. It's already waited for fifteen years, even a few minutes could be pushing it. Even so, I face Jordan hoping my weak smile doesn't look fake. He doesn't need to know this is more than just nerves and silly thoughts. "Just stay here, it probably won't take more than two minutes."

"Okay, just be careful," I kiss him on the cheek, feeling bad about lying but knowing he'll understand in the end. Lying just stops him from following me right now into the clearing where I know this has to happen. The clearing where I met it for the first time. This time though, I won't be saved. This time it'll succeed I'm sure but I'm not scared of that reality, not anymore.

"Hello, little one," I hear it behind me, breathing onto the back of my neck before I turn around to face it. It's the creature from fifteen years ago, that's for sure, but it's not exactly how I remember it. Somehow it doesn't scare me like I thought it would, the actual figure being nothing compared to the nightmarism one I created in my mind. "You knew I was coming."

"Yes, you have come to take me somewhere," I say, hoping my dream, the voice, was telling the truth. The creature seems to nod, to confirm my words (though that may be my imagination). He reaches towards me, as he did all those years ago. I take a step back, a single question still in my mind to ask. "Will it hurt?"

"No. I was told not to harm the little one," With that answer in my mind to both calm and scare me, I let it touch me. My head almost immediately turns fuzzy and I realise I'm being knocked out. I shouldn't be scared though. I trust Jordan, he'll come and find me. I know he will.


So I really hope this chapter is good because I had some fun writing it. It's also the last part before the big meeting one so I hope it isn't disappointing. I don't think the title fits very well but all my working titles made it sound like I was stopping the story so I thought it was better to change the title.

I hope you enjoyed the part and any questions and feedback is welcome :D

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