# 2

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"Will you include this question in you're video?" Jaeden read.

"Yesss," I say.

"Are you single?" He asked.

"At the moment, yes because im a piece of trash." I snorted.

Then Jaeden mumbled something.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"Nothing," He replied smirking at the camera

"I will know when I turn up the audio for this video while I'm editing," I chuckled.

"GUESS WHO'S EDITING VANESSA'S VIDEOS NOW!" Jaeden jolted from the bed.

"I'm going to just leave," I say and leave the room.

Jaeden points the camera at me as I leave.

"Noooo, Vanessa please stay with meee," He sang terribly.

I break out laughing and fall onto the floor.

"Don't make fun of my amazing singing!" He said and lightly kicked me.

"You're singing sounds like a dolphin and elephant smashing each other!" I laughed harder.

"I'm leaving," He said walking out downstairs.

"Nuuuu," I said and dragged back into my room.

We both sit back onto the bed.

"It's like we're already best friends," Jaeden chuckled.

"You better edit my ugly laugh out," I warn him.

"You're laugh is cute," He says as I blush.

"Shut up," I say blushing, and shove him lightly.

"Next question!" He exclaims and takes my phone.

I laugh as he reads one of the tweets with a disgusted look on his face.

"Big spoon or little spoon?" He said with a confused look.

I start dying of laughter as he gives me back my phone.

"Like Shane Dawson said, I'll go home," He said and got out of the camera frame.

"Alright come back here," I motion for Jaeden to come by my side again. "Thank you guys for watching! Please give this video a thumbs up if you liked it, subscribe and write down in the comments if you want more Q & A's in future videos."

Jaeden gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't even shout me out, wow you're such a great friend!" He said hysterically.

"Ugh, fine," I groan playfully.

He gave me and look and I shout him out.

"Okay, get to editing!" I warn him.

"Can we go to Wendy's first?" He asked.

"Fine," I say and head down the stairs with him.

My mom was in the living room watching Blue Bloods.

"Hey mom, me and Jaeden are heading to Wendy's okay?" I tell her.

"Sure, go to the mall and have too." She said.

"Thanks mom, love you," I say and hug her, taking my bag and walking outside with Jaeden.

We walk down the stairs and make it to Wendy's.

"Oops, almost forgot," I say pulling out my sunglasses and placing them on Jaeden's eyes.

"What's this for?" Jaeden questioned.

"So fans won't actually trample you this time," I chuckled.

"Thanks," He responded.

"How can I help you?" The lady asked.

"Can I have two 4 for 4's, both crispy chicken and one with no mayonnaise. " I order.

"That'll be 10.45," The lady said.

I paid and we waited on the next counter for our foods.

We get our trays and sit down by a window.

"So, how did you get here again?" I asked unwrapping my burger.

"So apparently, someone didn't really want to see me succeed. I guess when I went to Wyatt's birthday party I was spiked and I ended up at this park. Shabbona Park I think it was called," He said.

"Shabbona Park!" I exclaimed. "I know where that is, it's like 5 blocks from here."

"Yep," He said slouching back down.

I go to his side and hug him.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," I say and smile at him. "You're my friend now and when someone tries to hurt my friend they have to deal with my annoying ass,"

"Thanks Vanessa," He says.

"Let's get back to eating and when we're done we go to the mall and buy some clothes for you, then we can go back and edit and post it for tonight," I say and ruffle his hair.

"Alright, sounds like a plan," He chuckles and we continue to eat.

*10 minutes later*

"Come on Jaeden! Just walk," I tell Jaeden as I cross the street.

"The sign isn't there to walk!" He explains.

"It will in 5 seconds, trust me," I say rolling my eyes.

"Fine," He says walking.

He reaches the middle part when a car automatically honks at him and shouts curse words at him.

"Hey!" I yell at the driver. "Shut up and let him walk! We are mild pedestrians!"

"Shut up you scoundrel brat!" The guy yelled.

"That's it!" I shout and stick a nail into the car's tire.

"What did you do! I'm going to kill you!" The guy yelled getting out of his car.

I start to laugh and take Jaeden's hand.

I start running with him into the mall and we go into the elevators to the 3rd floor.

"What just happened," Jaeden breathed out.

"That guy always gets on my nerves, we are allowed to walk! I told you if someone messes with my friends they mess with me." I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"We could get into deep trouble," Jaeden warned.

"Yeah, I know this mall inside out. If he thinks the police can possibly find us in the mall, then he's 100% wrong," I chuckled.

Jaeden smiled as we reached the upstairs of target.

I see security guards coming our way.

"Shit! Nessa, you said they wouldn't find us!" Jaeden said nervously.

He called me Nessa, awe.

"Follow my lead and be quiet," I say and drag him into the woman's section.

"Take these clothes and go into the dressing room," I say, handing him a pair of clothes.

"This is stealing!" Jaeden whispered astonished.

"Shh, stop being nervous and risk it," I say. "Its the only way out,"

"Alright," He whispered shyly and entered the room.

I got into the one next to him and started to put on a black hoodie and purple jeans. I place a beanie on my head and put on dark make up.

I waited outside for Jaeden and saw he looked like a sexy girl.

"Zayum bae!" I purred and took his hand.

This was going to be fun.

Running Into You // Jaeden Lieberher FFWhere stories live. Discover now