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(A/N: towards the end of the chapter it's a trigger warning, won't tell you what it is because it'll give out the whole concept but just a warning )

"What's up everyone! It's Nessa and today I have, Jaeden, Jack, Sophia, Loren, Finn, and Jacob!" I say to my camera. "It's almost been a min, but I have a special video for you guys by the end of this week. Today is a Wednesday which means that I have 2 days off from touring. Well, I am in Hollywood and I have a show here but the show is on Friday so I can have a little free time with my friends."

"Hi, you guys should follow me and Finn because we're so hot and we're the best I don't know if you guys know that." Jack stepped in.

"V-team!" Finn exclaimed bumping Jack to the side.

I laughed and rolles my eyes.

"God, I may regret letting them come along." I joked.

"My name is Millie Bobby Brown, and I like nails and purses." Finn tried to do an impression of Noah impersonating Millie.

"Shady." I chuckled.

"Guys, go check out my new music video ChapStick." Jacob joked.

"Jacob, shut up no one likes your music." Loren butt in.

"Hey! Jacob is a nice gentlemen." Sophia argued back.

I laughed so hard, "Please Soph, Jacob is anything but a gentleman!"

"Hey!" Jacob protested.

"Its true," Jack murmured.

"I feel deeply offended." Jacob said touching his heart.

"Anyways." I chuckled. "We're going right now to target and we're going to build an overnight fort there and try to stay there for 24 hours."

"And try not to get caught." Loren advised.

"Let's do this!" Sophia exclaimed as we walked to the mall.


"So right now, we have snacks. We got, puff corn, coke cans, water, sour patch kids, and 7 pizza slices. Now, were headed to Target which is across the street from this mall." I say to the camera and then they all come go the camera .

"I want this pizza so bad." Finn whined.

"Shut up frog face, wait." I chuckled as we head to check out.

"Ow! Stop touching my penis!" Jaeden said out of the blue.

I turned to him and see him holding his crotch and looking at Jack.

"What th-" I say but then get cut off by Jack.

"Ow!" Jack cried.

Finn had shoved Jack and accidentally touched his crotch.

"Finn Wolfhard!" Jaeden and Jack exclaimed in pain.

I brought the camera close to my face.

"We'll be right back," I say like in the talk shows.

"Off white, off white, off white!" Loren sang.

"My name is Zach Clayton and if you ain't taken!" I sing.

"I'd love to have your number if you don't mind hanging!" Jaeden finished and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Oh god, Woah.

"Jessa!" Jack squealed. "The ship is slowly sailing!"

Sophia raised her eyebrow at me and winked.

Running Into You // Jaeden Lieberher FFWhere stories live. Discover now