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I press my head back on the wall.

Suddenly I hear her phone ring.

"Hello?" Vanessa spoke softly. "Logan?"

Who's Logan? Who the hell, is this Logan. Is he a guy? Probably, of course he is! What girl is named Logan?

"Yeah... I miss you too," She spoke as I hear her footsteps go towards the second room.

I quietly enter the room and sneakily went into the closet that lead to the second room.

I pressed my ear against the wall and listened.

"Listen, Logan right now is not a right time to talk... Fine, we can talk about it..." She said. "There's this boy staying at my house... Ew no! Stop thinking that way!... Yeah, he's pretty cute... No, I can't catch feelings I mean look how we turned out."

I heard her lay on the bed and sigh.

"He's pretty amazing actually, he's been my only friend in a while since you know.... Julissa somehow.... No, I'm not going to brutally expose her like that. Logan, you know I don't stoop down so low to her level... Sadly, Jaeden fell for her trap. You know, I never thought he would be a guy to fall for those things.... Logan, we talked about this long ago." She says and gets off the bed. "Logan, I loved you. Key word, loved. But you hurt me, you lost my trust and love. And I'm sorry that I don't love you the way you love me right now. But k guess karma said you will love someone who doesn't love you back to not loving someone who did.. Yeah, goodbye.."

I hear a click and a sigh.

"Never again." I hear her whisper.

She walks into the other room.

She thinks I'm amazing? Wow, that means a lot. Like a whole lot.
I can't believe that Julissa was lying.
Oh no.
I have to fix this. What was i thinking?
I crawled back into the other room and see all my outfits sprawled on the floor.

Vanessa was crying on the floor.

I rush to her side and hug her tightly

"Let me go!" She cried.

"No, never again," I say repeating what she said.

"Y-you, heard my phone conversation?" She said and looked me in the eyes

"Yes and I promise you that I won't leave your side anymore. You're better than her," I say referring to Julissa.

"I need time," She choked.

"What about a movie Marathon?" I suggested.

"Y-yeah, I'd like that," She says as I carried her bridal style downstairs.

"I don't know who to really trust anymore. When I saw you push Julissa, I instantly thought you were a bad person. If I knew about the past you guys had, I wouldn't have even talked to her or protected her." I say and turn to her as I sat her on the couch.

"I hate her, I hate her more than I hate getting hurt," She hissed. "She took everything away from me, friends, love, relationships, my grades, sports."

"Wow," Was all I could say at the moment.

I turn on the TV and play some Christmas movies from ION television.

"A Cinderella Christmas, A Christmas Kiss, or A Golden Christmas?" I asked.

"I don't like the girl's big ratchet lips from Cinderella Christmas," She croaked.

I chuckled.

"The actors don't matter, it's the plot," I chuckled.

"A Golden Christmas," She says and snuggles her face into the soft blanket.

I pressed play and put my arm around her and she lays her head on my lap as I put the blanket on both of us.


"I can tell that you came with a Disney flow!" Nessa's phone vibrated 20 minutes after.

"Ricegum?" I chuckled.

"Shh, my mom's calling," She said picking up her phone and pressing it against her ear.

"Would you look at those chickens!" I say trying to make my voice sound girly .

Nessa holds in a huge laugh but continues to talk.

"Yeah mom.... No, I'm fine we're just watching movies... Jaeden stop it! No mom, he's not attacking me. Jaeden I swear to god, I will make you wish you never stayed here! Mom, I'm fine. Jaeden can be annoying at times... Okay , see you in 6 hours, love you," She says and hangs up. "Jaeden, you tickling me and trying to talk in a British accent will make me want to throw you in a trash can."

I start smirking.
Oh, game on.

"Why are you smirki--" She gets cut off by a pillow thrown at her face by me. "Jaeden Lieberher!"

I giggled and ran up the stairs to her room and into her closet.

"Jaeden, ugh." She said and opened the closet doors.

"Come out, I'm ordering pizza," She says.

I come out and she instantly attacks me on the ground.

"Haha, Okay, I'm actually hungry," She says getting off me rushing down the stairs.

I chuckled and go down with her.

"Here, have this old phone of mine." Nessa says and hands me an iphone 6 plus.

"W-wow, you don't have to," I say.

"I insist, you're my best friend now. Well, my only friend," She says shyly, before shoving it into my hands and sat on the computer chair.

The clock read 5:47 PM.

"Honey, I'm home," Her mom said opening the door and locking it after.

"Sup mom," Nessa says and I nod at her mom. "And the pizza is ordered."

"I'll be in my room," Her mom says and walks into her room.

"It's so dark out," I say closing the curtains.

"You know what that means," Nessa smirked and raised her eyebrow.

She turns on the Christmas tree lights, yes, of course she would have a Christmas tree at this time.

Well, let's see how this month goes.

Running Into You // Jaeden Lieberher FFWhere stories live. Discover now