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I sat in my room, thinking, reminiscing.

Why did my mom say that?

I got another text from Logan saying that he wants to meet me at Dunkin Donuts. Our first "date".

Yes, we went on dates, but we considered it at the time "best friend dates" so it didn't sound weird. Why did he want us to meet there?

I slip on my converse and put on sunglasses. It was June now, 6 months went by really fast.

"I'm going out, I'll be home at 6," I say to my mom and close the front door.

I walked down the street and into the alley, I see Olivia with Nina and Ali.

"Hey Amy, where are you going," Olivia calls to me.

"Meeting up with an old friend," I say and make my way to Dunkin.

I open the door and instantly got hit by the aroma of coffee.
I missed coming to this place, I haven't gone in 6 months because of the painful memories and now it's coming back to me.

"Hey," Jaeden said getting up from our old table and gave me a small smile.

"Hi," I shyly said as we both sit down.

"Listen, just hear me out okay?" He said and frowned.

"Alright, you got 30 minutes." I say, crossing my legs.

"Well, after you warned me I got a text from Julissa. She told me that what you said wasn't true. And I didn't believe her, I knew all the crap you went through so I ignored it." He said.

"Wow," I sighed.

"But then, she catfished me. She pretended to be someone else and it wasn't like she acted like a different person. She was herself and I fell into a deep liking when she laughed on a face time." He said.

I chuckled," You fell for it."

"Fell for what?" Jaeden asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Her little sick lie. She had you wrapped around her finger," I say and slump down.

"She was herself," He said shaking his head.

"She was playing as someone else! Don't you see it Jaeden? She has fake written all over her!" I exclaimed.

"She was amazing!" He argued back.

"I think your 30 minutes is up," I say and get up from the chair.

"N-no! Wait, Nessa I didn't text you to meet here if it were to argue. Please sit back down." He said and held my arm.

"20 minutes," I say and sit back down with anger.

"A-Anyways, I started to date her and she revealed herself to me. I freaked out but then I remebered that she wasn't so bad after all," Jaeden said.

"I feel so bad that you had to be with her even after she cheated on you," I say with disgust.

"Cheated on me? I already dropped her, last month!" He explained.

"Oh you don't know?" I say.

"Know what?" He asked.

"Two days after you went to live her with, I went to the mall and saw her kissing a guy." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Funny thing was, it didn't surprise me. She always does this."

Jaeden looked down and his face got a little red.
I see a tear rolling down his cheek.

"O-oh," Jaeden said.

"Hey, Jaeden look, I'm sorry but you will find someone better." I say and hold his hand.

"Yeah, you," He said.

I shook my head in disapproval.

"Jaeden, I don't feel anything for you. And I'm sorry that you did a huge mistake. But you've got to move on," I say.

"Right," He says immediately getting up. "I have to go, is your phone number still the same?"

"Yeah," I say confused and get up too.

"Okay. Well goodbye, it was nice to catch up," Jaeden said and left.

"It hasn't even reached to 30 minutes," I sighed.

I walked out and head back home.

But I was stopped again.

"So you met with Jaeden, without Logan knowing?" Olivia said and crossed her arms.

"Its not what you think, we were catching up. He, he apologized." I say and looked down.

"Does Logan know?" Olivia said.

"No. No he doesn't, and he doesn't need to know everything I do. It was my decision , Logan can't control what I don't and do want to do." I say and crossed my arms like her.

"Well, I don't think he's going to be happy with this," Olivia said and held up her phone.

It was a photo of me and Jaeden.

"Olivia, are you being serious?" I nervously chuckled.

"You and Logan,were doing so good. Jaeden and you were never suppose to see each other!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Olivia Czarnik! I can do what I want! And fine, show the photo to Logan. Your whole little ship will fall and I don't think you want that," I say and walk away from her.

I could hear her struggling.

Damn right.

I finally reached home and plopped back on the couch.
I really hated living so far from Dunkin. My old house wasn't on sale which meant I could still go back and live there. But I think I love logan so I won't.

I then get a text from Logan.


Hey babe, well not anymore. I just want to say that I'm tired of you, and if you want to keep this "relationship" alive then you're going to have to do something for me.

Huh? What the hell Logan, is this some sort of sick joke?

No, if you want to keep me. If you really love me, then I'm going to need you to do something for me.

You're sick you know that right?

Oh baby, its not sick. It's just you proving you love me, and you do love me right? ;)

I did love you, keyword "did" because I realized you distanced yourself from me. I knew something was up when I moved next to your house which I oddly didnt underatand since me moving next to you house was YOUR idea.

I wanted you to move next to me so we can cut straight to business, you could get lots more money then your stupid YouTube channel and your dumb ass fans.


Ahh babe, but guess who's stuck living next door to me?
If you hook up with some of my friends then you'll get moneyyy

*screenshot captured*

I can't believe you. Goodbye Logan.

ANOTHER AUTHOR'S NOTE UGHH Ik y'all hate me :')
But, just wanted to tell you guys Merry Christmas!! Or, maybe I'll update another chapter on christmas how about that?


Running Into You // Jaeden Lieberher FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora