Part Eight ~

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Leon went downstairs and saw Violetta shouting at Leonardo, but Leon was trying to get her to stop but she wouldn't so he shouted at her.


Violetta: Oh, so you agree with his behaviour?

Leon: No, I didn't say that just stop shouting at him for a moment and listen to me.

Violetta sat down and Leon talked to Leonardo.

Leon: So, Leonardo what is with all these angry pictures you drew? Is this how you feel? Are these your emotions?

Leonardo: Dad, I feel like I don't exist, I feel like ever since Maria died I feel like you don't want me anymore I feel like you want a baby girl, not me.

Leon: So, you draw these pictures because you are angry at your mom and me? Is that why you misbehave in school or here? Because you are trying to get our attention?

Leonardo: I just want to be the best son you've ever wanted.

Leon: But Leonardo you are the best son we've ever wanted, right baby?

Violetta: Right, we wouldn't be a family without you.

Leonardo: Yeah, we would because Maria would be your favourite child.

Leon: No, she would have been our favourite child along with you as well like you are to us anyway.

Leonardo: Whatever, I don't care anymore grandpa and grandma were right about both of you.

Leon: What did they say?

Leonardo: That you only care about yourselves.

Violetta: Leonardo, don't listen to them we love you and we would do anything for you we just want the best for you.

Leon: But drawing anger isn't going to get you anywhere Leonardo you need to know that you can talk to me or your mom through anything we will always be listening.

Violetta: Yes, and your dad could tutor you.

Leon: *Turns to her* What? Right, but it's better school teaches you because I wouldn't trust me I'm not professional.

Leonardo ran at Leon and he hugged him and Leon fell on the sofa because he pushed him down and they had a family hug and then Violetta heard the door, so she went upstairs to get changed and Leon got the door and Leonardo was playing with his toys and Francesca walked in.

Francesca: Hey Leon, Leonardo.

Leon: Hey, Francesca, Violetta be down now she just getting changed.

Francesca: For what?

Leon: Nothing, she just wanted to get changed.

He sat down on the sofa and Francesca sat down.

Leon: Can I get you anything?

Francesca: Uh, a nice cup of coffee would do?

Leon: Okay, I'll boil the kettle.

He turned the kettle on and went back into the lounge and saw violetta coming down with her pyjamas.

Leon: Really, pyjamas already? it's 6:00 pm.

Francesca: I don't care, Violetta, Diego proposed to me.

Violetta: He what?

Francesca: He asked me to marry him.

Violetta: You getting married?

Francesca: Well, not exactly I didn't give him an answer I told him I would think about it.

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