Part Twenty-five

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Leon leaned over Violetta smelled her scent like he was addicted to her and kissed her neck.

Violetta: *moans* Mm, Leon.

Leon: *Kisses her earlobe* Wake up, beautiful.

Violetta: I don't want to, I just want to lie here.

Leon: You need to feed Lilly and we need to find out if Angie is going to tutor Leonardo.

Violetta: Why me? Surely you can find out daughter.

Leon: You don't want to know the answer to that.

Vilu: I can't wait until Lilly is grown up and doesn't need milk anymore.

Leon: it won't be long, and then you be saying she's growing to fast.

Violetta: No, I'll be grateful so I can enjoy my sleep and I can have breakfast in bed like I did on our honeymoon.

Leon: more like you make me breakfast in bed because you never made me breakfast I always make you breakfast.

Violetta: Yeah, but you know my cooking, Leon.

Leon: You know that excuse will be excused soon as you can cook baby.

Violetta: Besides why would I want to cook when I have my very own chief right here?

Violetta pulls his head towards her and kissed him and pulled him over her.

Leon: *Pulls away* Get up baby and get dressed while I go wake Leonardo up

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Leon: *Pulls away* Get up baby and get dressed while I go wake Leonardo up.

Violetta: But... Leon....

As Violetta was begging Leon to stay

Leon: Babe I got to go wake Leonardo up and you need to get dressed and make breakfast becaise otherwise Leonardo will be late for school come on baby then she  you come back you can cuddle me all day

Violetta: Okay, sexy.

She got up after Leon got off her, she got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast and she could hear Leonardo shouting at Leon while walking down the stairs, he sat down on the table not in the mood


Violetta: It's coming Leonardo, chill out.

Leonardo: if I chill any longer I'll die

She gave him his breakfast and he gulped it down, then went to brush his teeth and put his jumper in and grabbed his bag.

Then Violetta took him to Angie's and Herman's and picked up Emily while Angie was tutoring Leonardo.

Leon was looking after Lilly by feeding her with a bottle on the sofa, Violetta walked in with Emily running in behind her and saw Leon on the sofa and put her head on his shoulder and looked at her daughter in Leon's arms.

Emily: Uncle Leon!!!

Leon: Careful, Emily I have Lilly in my arms.

Violetta: Angie's tutoring Leonardo, although with that attitude he's careful he doesn't get grounded.

Leon: Come on baby, how would you feel if you couldn't go to school or just be tutored for the rest of your life?

Violetta: I do, I was taken around the world and tutored all my life, Leon's

Leon: I know baby but he's growing up that's what kids did when they grow they get too big for their own boots.

Violetta: I know but he must be taught not to because otherwise he's going to get used to using the attitude it's not a very good role model for Lilly.

Leon: Alright, baby when he comes home we will talk to him, why don't you get Emily a snack?

Violetta: After dinner we will, how about we take Emily and Lilly to the park and just walk around for bit.

Leon: Sure,

Violetta and Leon put Lilly in her buggy and took Emily too the park while Leon was pushing the Biggs they sat down on the bench and watched Emily play for a bit while Leon was rocking the buggy back and forth to let Lilly sleep.

Violetta: This is my life and I'm happy I wouldn't swap for it anything.

Leon: I feel the same, marrying you having Leonardo and Maria was amazing part of my life but now we have Lilly and I do miss Maria, but this is our future and nothing going to ruin it.

Violetta: With Leonardo and Lilly.

Leon: Yes, baby. *Pecks her lips*

Violetta: *Pecked back* I love you.

Leon: I love you much more.

Violetta: Thank you.

Leon: For what?

Violetta: For coming into my life and beige the best friend, boyfriend and husband a girl could have I have never been happy with anyone but you

Leon: Your welcome baby and let's just say if you left me I would be a mess and if you do leave me then you better leave morphine at my door

Vilu: That's not needed because I will never leave you not one bit

Thank you from reading my part of hoped you liked it

Is Leonardo going to stop his attitude?

Why is Leonardo acting like this?

Is Leon and Violetta going to talk to Leonardo?

Find out in the next part comment below what what you think

Sorry for not updating straight away it's just making ideas as  I go 💖❤💖

I love you so much

- Rebecca


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