Part Fourteen ~

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Leon went out for a bit while Violetta and Leonardo was asleep, he went to see Federico.

Federico: Hey, Leon what can I do for you?

Leon: I need to talk to you about Ludmila.

Federico: Sure, come on in.

They walked in and sat on the sofa.

Federico: Do you want something to drink?

Leon: No, I'm fine.

Federico: Okay, what do you need to talk about?

Leon: Well, Ludmila asked violetta to go shopping for your wedding but Violetta's having some doubts about wearing a dress because she's pregnant and she thinks she's going to be ugly and fat but instead of Ludmila telling her positive things she told her negative things and now violetta is in bed caught her eyes out because she thinks she is fat and ugly.

Federico: Oh, well I'm sorry if Ludmila upset violetta but maybe Violetta shouldn't come to to the wedding
Leon: What? Why not?

Federico: Because she might show us up.

Leon: Are you serious? I came here to ask you to be open minded and instead you don't want Violetta coming at all, what type of friend does that?

Federico: Well, if Violetta is scared on how she'll look maybe she shouldn't come to the wedding.

Leon: That's selfish just because she's pregnant you won't let her come to the wedding, fine if Violetta don't go than I'm not coming there you go you've lost two people well more likely three because I can't be there without Violetta enjoy your wedding.

He got up and walked to the door and Federico stopped him.

Federico: But Leon I wanted you to be my best man.

Leon: How can you even think I would come to your wedding without violetta or Leonardo?

Federico: I need you though because I don't think I can go through it without you.

Leon: Fine, I'll come but on one condition.

Federico: What?

Leon: I go if Violetta goes not being a bridesmaid of course but at least be guest.

Federico: Okay, she can be a guest instead of a bridesmaid.

Leon: Thank you, that's all I want with Leonardo so Leonardo can look after Violetta.

He left and went home, when he went into the house Violetta was standing there with her arms folded he looked at her while she was running to him he caught her in his arms she hugged him for a long time.

Leon: Baby, I wasn't gone that long.

Violetta: I know, but I missed you.

Leon: Aww, I missed you too.

Violetta: Where you did go?

Leon: I went to see Federico.

Violetta: What for?

Leon: Uh, I asked Federico if you could come as a guest instead of a bridesmaid because you were having doubts on looking ugly and fat so if your just guest nobody will be looking at you then.

Violetta: What? Now Ludmila's going to hate me for life.

Leon: No, she isn't because I had to do a let you come as a guest otherwise you wouldnt be invited at all.

Vilu: What does that mean?

Leon: I told Federico about what Ludmila said to you and he said that if you felt like that you shouldn't come to the wedding because you would take the attention so then I said that if you wasn't going then I wouldn't go because I couldn't go without you but Federico wanted me to be his best man so I said I would go as long as your invited as a guest not as a bridesmaid.

Violetta: *Hugs him* thank you Leon for doing that but you didn't have to.

Leon: Shh, baby you were upset and I just wanted to make you feel comfortable.

Violetta: Thank you, Leon I love you.

Leon: I love you too baby girl.

They went up to bed they saw Leonardo in their bed, they got changed then got into be and had a family cuddle while falling asleep.

Do you think Ludmila's going to be made at Violetta?
How about the girls do you think they will accept Vilu's decision?
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