Part Eighteen ~

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Leon and Violetta got woken up by Lily crying, but Leon didn't move

Leon: Baby, Lilly's crying.

Violetta: Mm, you go.

Leon: I'm a guy I can't breastfeed her.

Violetta: Oh, go and get her.

Leon: *Gets up* Okay, fine.

He picked her up and took her to Violetta and she took her top off and put Lilly by her breast, so she could feel her lips on her breast, Leon fell back off to sleep and Lilly stopped after a while.

Violetta put her back in the crib and went back to bed and cuddled up to Leon's bare back she kissed his back he turned around and put his arm around her while Violetta put her head on his chest with her hands around his tummy.

Leon: Mm, your cold.

Violetta: Well, I shouldn't be.

Leon: You feel cold, baby.

Violetta: I'll be warm soon because my radiator will warm me up.

Leon: Shh, I'm trying to sleep.

After a while, the nurse came in and saw Leon in bed with Violetta, it was then time to sign Violetta out, as she got dressed, they picked up Lilly and put her in a carrier, as Leon and Violetta went out of the hospital doors, the car was outside and Leon held out his hand for Violetta to take.

As Leon put the carrier in the back seat with Violetta in the back with it so she could belt it, he went into the driver's seat and started to drive home.

When they got to Herman and Angie's to pick up Leonardo, he ran to the door and jumped on his dad.

Leon: *Groans* urgh, your elephant.

Leonardo: Sorry, daddy I didn't mean it

Leon: *Puts him down* You hurt me, you hurt me so bad.

As Leonardo ran towards his mom and his little sister, Leon told Leonardo to be careful.

Leon: Leonardo, be careful don't hurt your mom, as you hurt me, your mom is still recovering from having a baby.

Violetta: You hurt daddy. *Hugging him* Hey, baby, I missed you.

Leonardo: I missed you too, mommy.

Leon: The question is why aren't you in school Hmm?

Leon looked at Herman and Angie.

Violetta: It's okay, Leon, I guess one day off won't hurt.

Leon: Mm, we better not make a habit of it.

Angie: Okay, you got us, Leonardo didn't want to go to school as he wanted to see you there I said it.

Violetta: Leonardo, you have to go to school, you would've seen us after school.

Leonardo: But I want to spend time with you and Lilly, I don't want to miss anything.

Violetta: Aww, honey, you are not going to miss anything, but you have to go to school because what did we say yesterday you have to be the role model you have to be the big brother.

Leon: *Crouches down beside him* How about we go home and I make us chocolate strawberries pancakes Hmm? Does that sound like a treat?

Leonardo: Yes, daddy.

Violetta: As long as your father doesn't have any Strawberries because the last time he had strawberries he landed up in the hospital.

Leonardo: Daddy is allergic to strawberries? Does that mean I'm allergic to strawberries?

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