Part Seventeen ~

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At the hospital- after the birth

The nurse took Lilly out of Violetta arms to put her in a bed and put her name tag around her feet but Violetta was scared to let her go, Leon ressured her

Leon: Baby, they're just putting her in a crib there not kidnaping her.

Violetta: Okay, we have a baby girl Leon. *enlaces her hand with his*

Leon: I know baby, Leonardo is going to be a big brother.

Violetta: My dad and Angie they don't know.

Leon: It's fine baby Federico told them, while you were giving birth.

Herman and Angie came through the door with Federico and maxi and Leonardo.

Leonardo: *runs at Leon* Daddy!!!

Leon: *lifts him into his arms* Hey, baby boy.

Angie: Where's our granddaughter?

Violetta took them to Lilly and they saw her through the window.

Leon: *Crouched down* Leonardo, meet your new baby sister.

Leonardo: She's my sister? She's beautiful.

Violetta: Yes and Leonardo you have to look after Lilly and be a good role-model, can you do that?

Leonardo: Yes, mommy I promise.

Angie: She's beautiful, Violetta, she has your eyes.

Herman: My beautiful granddaughter *shed some tears*

Violetta: Dad, are you crying?

Herman: Sorry it just it reminds me of when you were like that very tiny and your mother was in tears because she couldn't believe how little you were.

Violetta: Aww.

Angie: Herman, why don't you get a coffee?

Herman left to get some coffee.

Federico: I have to go because Ludmila is going mental.

Leon: Okay, thank you Federico for your help I love you bro.

Federico: Hey I'll always be here for you bro I'll never leave you no you Violetta especially since I'm an uncle to Leonardo and Lilly.

Leon: Well, your all their uncle and Aunties.

They left, so it was just the family.

Herman: So, Leon are you looking after Violetta?

Leon: of course I am.

Herman: You better be.

Leon: How's Emily?

Herman: She's with her friends today.

Leonardo: Daddy, when can mommy come home?

Leon: She won't be able to come home tonight as she has to rest after giving birth but she should be home tomorrow.

Leonardo: Will we be able to stay with her overnight?

Leon: No, we will have to go home soon, but don't worry mommy will be fine. *Takes sip of his coffee*

Leonardo: Okay, daddy, will I be able to go and give her a good night cuddle and kiss?

Herman: I think she would love that, Leonardo.

Leon: Go on then, but then we will have to leave soon okay?

As Leonardo went into the room and gave a cuddle to his mom and a kiss good night the nurse came in.

Leonardo: Daddy said you won't be coming home tonight, Mommy.

Violetta: Honey, it's only while I recover from giving birth I just need rest that's all but I will be home tomorrow.

Angie: But, you dad will come and pick your mom up nice and early tomorrow she'll be home with you before you go to school.

Leonardo: Okay, I love you mommy.

Nurse: Oh, the visiting hours are now over, sorry.

Violetta: Can Leon my husband stay with me?

Leon and Herman walked into the room while Violetta was waiting for the nurse to answer her.

Nurse: Sure, we have some blankets and pillows he can sleep in the other room.

Leon: What's that?

Violetta: Will you stay with me, Leon?

Leon: Baby, I should get Leonardo home, I'll come back in the morning.

Herman: No, no it's okay Leon, we will take Leonardo home with us, you stay here with your wife, we will look after Leonardo.

Leon: Are you sure?

Angie: Of course, you'll see him tomorrow when you bring Lily home.

V & L: Thank you.

They left along with Leonardo after he kissed his dad goodnight, instead of Leon sleeping on the chair he asked Violetta move up and he got under the sheets with her.

While Leon was laying in bed he could hear Violetta talking in her sleep

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While Leon was laying in bed he could hear Violetta talking in her sleep.

Leon: *Leans over her* Baby, your talking in your sleep.

Violetta: Mm, Leon.

She put her hands around his neck after turning to face him.

Leon: You were talking in your sleep, my love.

Violetta: I was just talking to you.

Leon: Huh? You were sleep?

Violetta: No, because I could feel you staring at me.

Leon: Don't lie to me you were talking in your sleep.

They kissed and fell off to sleep.

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