Part Ten ~

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Leon and Violetta pulled away.

Violetta: I'm going out.

Leon: Okay, baby I'll get dinner ready while you out.

Violetta: Okay, I'll be back soon.

Leon: Okay.

She kissed his cheek and left.

Leonardo: Where's mommy going?

Leon: She'll be back soon.

Leonardo: Are you two arguing?

Leon: No, Leon we're not arguing.

Leonardo: I can always hear you two shouting at each other.

Leon: Look, Leonardo when two adults talk sometimes we don't listen to each other which makes us shout at each other, but it doesn't mean we don't love each other because we do.

Leonardo: Okay, Daddy.

After a while, Leon was cooking food and Violetta came back and he was setting the table Violetta walked into the kitchen.

Leon: Oh, great your home, dinners are ready.

They sat down and ate and Leonardo asked Leon to help with his homework, Violetta went upstairs and got changed for bed and took out some pills that she bought from the shop she took two and drank some water.

She then put herself to bed while Leon was helping Leonardo with his homework, he heard a bang coming from upstairs when Leon locked the front door and let Leonardo get on with some of the questions he knew he went up to see Violetta.

Leon: Baby, what was that bang?

Violetta: *Half asleep* Nothing, there wasn't a bang.

Leon: Baby, you dropped something I know you did.

Violetta: *Turns away from him* Just leave me alone.

Leon: Woah, that's harsh.

He went to kiss her head but she turned her head.

Leon: What's going on with you?

Violetta: Nothing, I'm just tired.

Leon: Night baby girl *Kisses the side of her head*

Violetta was boiling and Leon could feel the heat on his lips.

Leon: Baby, your boiling.

Violetta: Just leave me to sleep, Leon.

Leon: Baby, I can't leave you when you are burning up baby please let me look after you.

Violetta: *Scooted on the bed* Fine, fine.

Leon: *Got under the duvet with her and she cuddled him and started crying* Baby, why are you crying?

Violetta didn't say anything just cuddled up to him and held him tightly,  Leon put his head on her head and Leonardo came up to them he crawled onto the bed and they had a family hug.

Leonardo was in the middle of them making Violetta be on Leon's shoulder and Leonardo was on his chest.

Leon: Ugh,  what is this a hug daddy time?

Leonardo: It is always hug daddy time.

Violetta: Yes, and it is always hug son time is well *She tickled him*

Leon: Alright, baby stop because he's hurting me.

Violetta: Aw, your hurting daddy, Leonardo.

Leon: Now both of you go to sleep.

Violetta: And you Mr Vargas.

Leonardo: Yes, daddy you need to go to sleep as well.

They fell asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: ~
Thank you for reading.

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