Part Twenty-four ~

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Leon: What did you just say to me?

Violetta: I said you can either support me or you can leave.

Leon: Oh, that's way it's going to be Mm? If I don't support you then what your going to kick me out or divorce me?

Violetta: If that's what it takes.

Leon: Violetta, Leonardo and Lilly are our responsibility we can't always let other people involved, look I know Angie is willing to tutor him but she's busy and it seems like you said that you will look after Emily because your desperate, but we aren't desperate baby.

Violetta: Don't you get it Leon, our son can't go to school because he can't get on with other students what's he going to be like in the other schools Mm?

Leon: Okay, then we will look for someone else to tutor him what about your other Tutor who took over from Angie?

Violetta: You mean Ingrid?

Leon: Yeah, surely she was a good teacher.

Violetta: But I don't want people knowing that my son can't go to school Leon at least with Angie it stays in the family.

Leon: Okay, we will see what she says as she said she will think about it right?

Violetta: Yeah, she was talking to my dad about it.

Leon: Okay, then see what they say and if she's willing to do then I will let it go but if not then will promise me that you will look at other tutors or schools?

Violetta: I promise, Leon.

Leon: *Looks at her* Really, your not crossing anything or lying to me?

Violetta: No, Leon, I promise.

Leon: Good, because I find out you break your promise I will punish you and I don't mean grounding you.

Violetta: Actually, I might break the promise so I can get your punishment.

Leon: You dare and it'll be more than a punishment.

Violetta put her hands around his neck and they kissed as it was getting deeper.

Leon: We better go save Camila and Francesca and take the kids home.

Violetta: *Pulls his head towards her* Can't we just stay here? *Lifts his shirt*

Leon: *Knows what she's doing* Baby, we can't.

Violetta: *Unbuttons his jeans* Please come on the door is closed they not going to know.

Leon: Let go *Holds her hand* come on we better take Emily home.

Violetta didn't listen and unzipped his jeans while unzipping and unbuttoning hers

Leon: Baby, I'm not doing it, what has gotten into you?

Violetta sat on the desk and pulled him closer to her and kissed her while gripping his jacket.

Leon: *Between the kisses* Violetta, stop.

As they were kissing, they could hear someone clearing their voice and they knew who it was.

L &V: Gregorio!!!

As Leon turned to him, Violetta just moved her head while holding Leon's jacket.

Leon: This isn't what it looks like.

Gregorio: Leon Vargas and Violetta Castillo how dare you treat our studio like this.

Violetta: Actually it's Vargas *Looks at him smiling*

Leon: Let's go.

He helped her down off the desk and they walked out of the classroom holding hands, as they left Violetta was laughing.

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