Part Fifteen ~

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Leon, Violetta and Leonardo were asleep until the door banged like someone was knocking on it Leon got up and answered it, he saw Ludmila she wasn't really happy, Leon was about to say something but she pushed past him.

Leon: Ludmila, Violetta is asleep.

Ludmila: Like I Care.

She banged up the stairs and stormed into her room waking Leonardo up and Violetta.

Ludmila: HOW COULD YOU!!!

Violetta: Look, I don't know what you doing here but I don't want to know what you have to say okay?


Leonardo ran to Leon.

Violetta: Ludmila, don't talk to my son like that.

Ludmila: You listen here you fat ugly b*tch you said you would be my bridesmaid and now you've changed your mind.

Violetta: Yeah, because you didn't say nice things so Leon talked to Federico and he said I can be a guest.

Ludmila: I don't want you as a guest either because your just a disgusting human being.


Ludmila: Oh, your husband finally turn up where have you been?

Leon: Making food for Leonardo you know we do have a child to feed.

Ludmila: Violetta you turn up to that church I will kick you OUT and I will beat you up so that baby doesn't exist.


Ludmila: Look, Leon, I mean it she's just showing off
Violetta was crying and caring her body up because she was ashamed.

Ludmila left and Leon hugged Violetta while she cried.

Violetta: She is so mean to me.

Leon: Shh, baby you beautiful your not fat or ugly you are my beautiful wife and if you are not going to the wedding then I'm not going.

Violetta: But Federico didn't let you not go because he wants you as the best man.

Leon: I know, but I can't be there thinking your not there having fun.

Violetta: I can look after Leonardo and we'll have a son and mother's night.

Leon: I love you.

Violetta: I love you.

They kissed passionately then pulled away because Leon's phone rang.

Leon: Hold that thought.

He went to answer it.

Phone conversation ~
Federico: Hey, Leon.

Leon: Hey, Federico what's wrong?

Federico: Are you still coming to the wedding today?

Leon: Yeah, Violetta's not going.

Federico: Why not I thought you said she was coming.

Leon: Ludmila came over and said some harsh words to Violetta and said that if she went to the wedding Ludmila would beat her up then the baby wouldn't exist.

Federico: She won't do that I'll talk to her.

Leon: No, Federico I can't risk Violetta's life just for a wedding it's not happening.

Federico: Look, She won't hurt her.

Leon: No Federico I am not bringing Violetta besides she's going to look after Leonardo.

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