Who Needs Rules

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Damon POV

I grabbed the ball that I knew would fascinate Stefan. Right when the officers showed me 'football', I knew I had to play this with my brother.

My daughter was still sleeping, which I knew she should be awake by now. My mother has told me that she's been having nightmares and no proper sleep so she is letting her rest well.

I kissed her forehead and closed the curtains for her, before grabbing the ball and heading out. I walked to Stefan's room, "Hello brother."

"Damon," Stefan sat up on his bed, "What's that?"

"I decided not to stay mad, my baby will always forgive her Uncle. I wanted to play a cool game I learned."

Stefan always loved playing catch so I knee he would love this game. We raced down the stairs and out of the house to the front yard.

"Where did you learn this game?" Stefan laughed when I almost dropped the ball.

I passed it to him. "Outside of camp, some of the officers picked it up." I charged at him.

"Wait what are the rules," Stefan laughed as I got closer.

"Who needs rules," a feminine voice called out from the front doorway. She was beautiful, one hell of a woman. She had that devil in her eyes, but the face of an angel.

Katherine walked closer, "Mind if I join you?"

"Well uh..you can get hurt. My brother likes to play rough." Stefan shut up. My god I'm trying to look at her and you're blocking my damn view.

She scoffed, "Somehow I think that you play rougher." She snatched the ball from Stefan and took off running with the ball. She was giggling so I knew she wanted us to run after her.

I thought of Nadia, would this be okay? I loved her, but I need to move on. Mia needed a mother figure. Katherine was Stefan's, however, I see the way she looks at me. She wants me as well.

I wanted her.

"Why are you standing her?" I couldn't believe Stefan."That is a girl who clearly wants to be chased..If you're not going to, I will."

I dashed after the beautiful Katherine Pierce.


I stretched as I woke up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Where was Papa? Did he leave again? I started to cry.

"Papa! Papa!" I needed him! Where was he!? Immediately, Emily ran into the bedchamber. She ran to my side and pulled me into her side, "Hush child. There there, your Papa is outside playing with your Uncle."

I calmed at that, knowing my Papa was still here. He didn't leave. I could still feel myself shaking a bit as I tried to control my sobs.

"E-Emily help," I begged, not being able to calm myself. Emily nodded and chanted something in Latin that calmed me down immediately.

I sighed in relief, "Thank you fairy." She giggled and said, "I'll go get your day clothes."

I laid my head back on the pillow, trying to decide on what to do for the day. I got up and went to brush my teeth. I had gotten into my white dress that had gold lining swirls on the bottom. I had my hair up and half down with a gold butterfly in the middle.

I got into my gold slippers and felt like a princess. Emily held my hand as we walked down the stairs.

"Amelia," Giuseppe called out, his voice sounded mad. I instinctly squeezed Emily's hand and I looked at her, my eyes telling her to get my Papa.

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