Chapter 1

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(2019 edit: This book is lacking flavour and originality so don't come for my 2017 ass. Amen.)

Alana's P.O.V

I scream and fall off my bed in fright from my alarm clock, banging it on the floor to shut it up. Why do I bother setting an alarm again?

"School, oh how I hate you." I said sleepily going to my bathroom to have a shower. I pick out my clothes for the day, consisting of blue ripped jeans, adidas top and my vans. I get dressed and head downstairs grabbing a light snack upon my exit.

"BYE MUM!" I shout out to her, she's reading the the newspaper at the kitchen table. "Bye honey have a good day."

I walk to school because I live so close, only around a 15 minute walk. I walk in the doors to hell, running to my locker to avoid the clan of boys and girls who like to yell at students about god.

I close my locker door and turn around only to bump into Harry Styles, only the most popular boy in school. He is a major fuck head, sorry, fuck boy, and has probably had sex with every girl in this school. I'm still a virgin however, I haven't even had my first kiss and this is my last year in high school, it's kind of sad.

Correction, really sad.

"You look beautiful as always, what do you say we get out of here and go to my house?" he says, leaning his shoulder against the wall.

"U-uh, no. That will never happen Harry." I say trying to sound confident, but face palm myself internally because I can't even form a coherent sentence around him.

He grabs my wrists and pins them down, he begins to kiss my neck. I have to admit it feels like a fuck boy is licking my skin. Yup, enough of this.

"Harry let me go."

"Do I make you nervous?" he says and I see he is smirking. The bell rings for class to start, I push his chest and run, thanking the bell for saving me. "I'll see you soon babe." he says yelling to me.

Let me explain a bit about my life, my name is Alana as you know, I only have one friend, his name is Zayn. It's sad because I don't have any classes with him so lunch is a time I cherish because I get to see him for a full hour. I am a very quiet and private person and I don't like a lot of attention. Harry is in 4/6 of my classes, why does my life have to be so shit? I always find him winking at me from across the room, it makes me feel so uncomfortable.

It's third period and I have English. "Hello class, today we are changing the seating arrangement and whoever is next to you will be your partners for any projects we do, just to make it easier." I groan because I don't have any friends in my classes so either way I'm going to get stuck with some annoying thot.(Ew, internally vomiting from how over used this concept is.)

"Okay Joe and Sienna, Nick and Lara, Imogen and cooper and Alana will sit with... Oh hello Harry how nice of you to finally join us you can go with Alana." he sits down next to me and I fake a smile to him, not impressed that he will be sitting with me all the time and be with me for projects.

He smirks at me and grabs my thigh. I shoot my head towards him and try to pry his hand off but he keeps going higher up. "Want to play a game? Tell me when to stop." he says with a toothy grin. (Is that even a thing? A toothy grin? Fuck it.)

He keeps going higher and I try to rip his hand away, "Stop! Stop!" I whisper yell at him but his fingers are already rubbing me through my panties. A small frustrated moan slips out, and I realise how wrong this is so I slap him in the face and run off to the bathrooms. As I'm heading there a very attractive boy walks in, I've never seen him before so he is probably new.

We make brief eye contact and he opens his mouth.

"Hi I'm Niall, I'm new I was wondering if you could help me to find my locker?" He says a little nervous. "Of course, what number is it?"

"256" he says unsure, reading off the slip of paper. "Wow, that's right below my locker what a coincidence." I say happily, I want to get to know him since he seems nice. "Well thank you, maybe we could catch up later?" He asks. "Sure I'll see you at lunch." I begin to walk off when he grabs my arm and says, "I never got your name." "Alana." and I walk off.

Lunch time, Alana's P.O.V

I go to the table me and Zayn sit at, he is already there waiting.

"Hey Zayn how was class."
"Shit as usual."

Should of seen that coming, he hates school as much as I do even though he is well liked, popular and has many friends, including Harry.

"I'm gonna go get some food." I say to Zayn not enthused, canteen food is terrible so I usually get something from the vending machine.

I bend down to grab the can after putting in the $2 and feel someone slap my ass. I stand up quickly and of course... harry styles slapped my ass.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I growl at him. "Woah someone is feisty, but I like that in girls." he winks at me, and I internally vomit.

I run back to Zayn lightly panting, I sit down and try to open my sprite but it won't budge just as I'm about to ask Zayn to open it I feel a presence next to me.

"Need a hand?" Harry fucking Styles, I just can't get away from him. I let him open it because I thought he might leave. Sadly no, but I see Niall looking around at the tables so I call out his name to come sit. I see Harry tense up and clench his fists.


It's the end of the day and I'm so glad, Niall is in two of my classes which is great. We have been talking a lot and getting to know each other. I hope we can be more than just friends, but what if he doesn't feel the same? Well at least we'll have a good friendship.
Hey guys this is my first fanfic/story and I'm sorry if it is utter crap. (Edit: it is)

S. lessons from Harry StylesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin