Chapter 8

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Later that week

Alana's P.O.V

"Alana Zayn is here." my mum said from the kitchen. I opened up the door and jumped into my boyfriends arms, I dug my head into the crook of his neck and started kissing him. He moaned a little and I giggled, "come on let's go to my room." I said so my mum wouldn't be able to see.

Me and Zayn were cuddling on my bed when I received a text from an unknown number.

Hello Alana.

Who is this?

You have to break up with your precious little Zaynie or I will literally break him, don't underestimate me Alana. I will only say this once.

What the hell, this isn't funny! Who are you? If you don't answer I'm blocking you!
Read 5:32pm

Unknown has now been blocked

Who was that? Was it some sick person from my school trying to be funny? Because it wasn't. I just ignored it and didn't tell Zayn. It can't of been serious.


Next day at school

Harry's P.O.V

If I go to school today and find that Alana is still dating that shit bag, that's the last she's gonna hear of him. I have warned her so she hopefully has listened. That way it's easier for me and her, otherwise it's going to have to be the hard way and Zayn will go down.

Alana's P.O.V

Me and Zayn said our goodbyes for class because unfortunately we don't have any classes together. Sigh.

I walked into English to find Harry already seated. I gave him a friendly smile and he just looked away, god this bipolar son of a bitch.

"Harry and Alana can you come up to present your poems." My English teacher said almost on the verge of sleeping. Me and Harry instantly made eye contact, Harry mouthed 'oh shit'. "Um well-um we forgot about it so-so we don't have it here." I said nervously watching the teacher get angrier and angrier.

"God, can't trust you to do anything Styles. Why did I think I could trust you with Alana, your such a bad influence!" She yelled at Harry.

"Miss it wasn't all his fault, it was mine too so don't just blame him." I said finding some confidence.

"Both of you detention, I will deal with you later."



"So did you and Zayn break up yet?" Harry said out of nowhere. Wait was that text from him?

"Harry were you the unknown number?" I said raising my eyebrow at him.

Harry sighed, "Yes, because I love you so much Alana. I can't let you be with Zayn any longer because it hurts me. I'm already furious that he took your virginity but there is nothing I can do about that." He said, eyes getting glossy. I was shocked he just poured his heart out to me.

"I don't know what to say-"

"Say you love me Alana and he won't get hurt."

"Harr-" I began but was cut off.

"Right, you two can leave I have something important to attend, just don't get into any more trouble." My English teacher said standing against the door frame.

I sped down the hall so I could see Zayn, because he said he would walk me home.


We arrived at my door step. "I'll see you at school tomorrow then?"

"Yeah I guess so then, bye Zayn."

7:05pm that night

I had nothing better to do so I switched on the t.v. "Student of Holmes Chapel Comprehension High school, Zayn Malik was brutally murdered 2 hours ago and was last seen walking home from his girlfriends house, according to neighbours in the area."

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