Chapter 2

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2 weeks later

Alana's P.O.V

Me and Niall have gotten super close in the past few weeks, I like him a lot and I think he feels the same.

Harry has still been a pain in my ass. He has been more touchy with me and it creeps me out like why can't he just be more normal and less creepy, maybe he would actually have a girlfriend and not some hoes hanging on his shoulders.

It's already lunch, the day has gone so fast and harry hasn't been so bad today, he looks like he's been thinking a lot about something? Me and Zayn are sitting at our table as usual, I'm not bothering to get any food because of previous experiences.

"What's up? can I sit here?"

"WOAH- Harry you scared me, I was actually um just about to get some, some food... yeah that's it." I said lying so I can get away.

"I'm actually really hungry too, I need to eat. I mean you look pretty good...I think you know the rest..." he looks me up and down.

"Eww Harry stop being such a perv." The bell goes for class. Thank you again for saving me!

"I'll see you in class Alana."

I have English now and harry has to sit next to me thanks to the seating arrangement. "Hello students, so today we are going to do an assignment." Harry looks at me and smirks. Can I please die? "So it's going to be about your partner and you have to write a poem about them, so get to know them well."

"So you want to go to your house or my house babe?"

"Um I guess we'll go to my house then." I mumble.

"I'll see you at your house after school then."

At Alana's house

I just want to get this over with. Since we are at my house Harry is going to ask me questions about me so he has info for his poem.

It's been about an hour of me telling him about my life but he doesn't really look interested. He interrupts me.

"Alana, I can help you."

"Help me with what?" What is he going on about?

"You know, with Niall. I know you like him but you aren't ready for him, I can help you."

"How exactly can you help me Harry?" I say sassily.

"Sex lessons." he smirks.

"Hell no Harry I would never." I say a little embarrassed.

"Come on, think about it, it will help you a lot and I get to take away your virginity." his eyes stare deeply at me.

"WHAT! you never said anything about that!"

"Well that's my terms otherwise I'll find some other way to get you." he says still staring at me which is making me uncomfortable.

"Okay okay I'll do it then, when do we start?"

"Right now."

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