Chapter 12

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1 year later

Alana's P.O.V

It's been roughly a year since me and Harry, we both just continued our last year of high school. We didn't talk, we didn't make eye contact, we didn't go in the same classes, we didn't have anything to do with each other.

When I returned to school the next day after Harry dropped me off, I decided to change all my subjects, I didn't want to see Harry, I just had to think things over. I knew Harry was sorry, I could tell by his facial expressions and how he would carry himself around school. He was depressed without me but I couldn't go back to him.


Tonight I was heading to a party held by one of my friends from high school, he said it was going to be a good time. I decided I'd tag along, at least I'd be able to catch up with some people from high school.


I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup. Ready to go out, I was pleased with how I looked, not too fancy but enough to make me feel pretty.

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, saying goodbye to my mother.


"Alana how are you? It's been a while, what like almost a year?" Liam said, I never really talked to him that much in school but I knew him because my mum was friends with his.

"Im pretty good, and yeah almost a year." I said walking into the already busy house. I could smell the alcohol radiating off of all the teenage bodies.

"Would you like a drink?" I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around...

Oh my god...

Green eyes, slightly long curly hair. It couldn't be?!

"I-I oh my god!"

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