Chapter 18

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Sorry it took me forever to update. <3

Alana's pov

My dad walked into my room and sat on the bed. Oh god.

"I'm sorry to be telling you this but Harry has just told me that you were 'a quick shag that wasn't worth it in the end' again, I'm sorry. But your mother is downstairs finding a new place for him to go so you won't have to worry about him anymore." He patted me on the back.

How could Harry say something like that?Surely he wasn't being serious and was just making it up so my parents thought that we won't see each other? Harry wouldn't, would he?

"Did he really say that?" I looked down.

"Unfortunately yes, yes he did."

A knock caught my attention and I saw Harry at the door resting on the frame. I grabbed the nearest object, being my metal water bottle and threw it at him.

"GET OUT!" I screamed and he ducked and hid.

Harry, Harry, harry. Why did I trust him? Why did I let him move with me? Why did I have sex with him... again?

He lured me into this, the kind hearted act was complete bullshit, then to have the audacity to say 'it wasn't worth it in the end'

"Get. Out. Please dad."

Sigh. I shouldn't have bought into his mind games. I wanted things to be fine again, I thought things could go back to how they were. Hell was I wrong.

Harry's pov

Ouch. That's gonna bruise. I inspected my arm, a big lump evident.

"I found a place!" Mrs Anderson cheered happily, walking through the door that I would soon be leaving out of. Assholes.

"That's great sweetie." Mr Anderson said. His smile faded when he spoke to me. "Got your shit boy? Because you're leaving now!"

"Yeah.." I mumbled picking up my suitcase and bags. Thanks for the help, Asshats.

"Follow me, it's about a half hour drive." Mrs anderbitch told me.


30 minutes my ass, it's been over 45 minutes.

"So when will we be there exactly? It's nearly been an hour." I reminded her.

She turned to glare at me

Wow, okay then.

I shoved my earphones in again, blasting the music louder. Maybe if I'm deaf people will pity me... I'll get what I want. Alana might feel sorry for me...? Nah, fuck that.

"Okay we're here...brat." See people are so fake, mrs Anderson used to be my dream mum, kind, caring, now that shit has gone down she is a major ass.

I scoff and grab my bags, power walking into the reception.

"Name?" The lady at the suspiciously clean counter asks, the outside of the place looks like trash. It's so nice inside.


"Ah yes, room 438. Here's your key sir and wifi, brochures and important numbers are all provided inside the room. Enjoy your stay." She shows me her white teeth.

I smile back, grabbing the keys from her and heading off into the elevator. Huh clean in here too.

I unlock the door, wow it's nice in here.

Modern furniture and designs. I could get used to this. Not as good as Alana's place though...

Uhh now I have to go buy new things, I already spent heaps of money on it for Alana's apartment, but no, of course I don't get any of that. Now I'm going to have to apply for a job.

I immediately search for places hiring and attach my resume. Let's hope over the next few days I get some emails and calls.


Over the last three days I've done absolutely nothing.

Wake up, eat, Netflix, eat, workout, Netflix, eat, sleep, repeat.

But today I did get an email from one of the jobs I applied for which usually might seem like a good thing but I don't know if it is...

I'm a waiter. The one I least hoped I would get into. This is a whole new level of embarrassment.

I skim through the most important parts on the email,

Work weekdays and one weekend blah blah friendly attitude blah oh no, I have to wear a sleezy uniform, just perfect. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

And I start tomorrow...


"DJ KHALED! MAJOR KEY!" Ughhh I need to get a new alarm-

"SHIT! It's 8:00, I'm gonna be late." And it's my first day, good start Harry.


I managed to get to work... 20 minutes late, Oops.

"I'll dismiss your lateness seeing as it's your first day, anyway here's your uniform, you can get dressed in the back room. Come out when you're done and we'll go over some things." The manager of the cafe tells me.

What even is this uniform? It's green and yellow. Way too colourful for my depressing life.

"You suit that newby." A red head wearing the same clothes snickers, holding in her laughter.

"Uh thanks it's just a little bit mmm bright? I'm Harry by the way." I shake her hand.

"Courtney, hey why don't I show you around. Which part are you working in. I'm on the register."

"Waiter." I mumble.

"Sorry can't hear you."

"I. Am. A. Waiter." I bow my head embarrassed.

"Shshshshahahahahahahah you made my day, actually week. Don't be embarrassed, there are heaps of males in your position." She pats my back.

"Thanks, Courtney." I smile at her. She's beautiful. Maybe it's time to forget about Alana and start over?


*ding ding*

"Order up! Harry, table 24."

I grab the plates awkwardly, one resting on each of my wrists and another further up my left arm. Please please please don't fall.

I carefully make my way towards table 24

"You have to be fucking kidding me right now..."
———————————————————————Again sorry for not updating in so long.

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