Chapter 13

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"ASHTON! I can't believe you're here, how?" I screamed, engulfing him into a huge hug.

(Fooled you!)Ashton is my cousin that I used to be very close with but he had to move away when his dad got cancer and was having heart failures. I haven't seen him in three years because he has been so busy looking after him. He used to go to the same high school before he moved, that's how he knows lots of people.

"It's good to see you Alana! But basically I won't be needed back where my dad is anymore." He trailed off at the end.

"You're not serious are you...? he didn't d-die did he?!" I caught on to what he was saying, my eyes starting to get glossy.

Ash just bowed his head and that's all I needed to know.

"Ash I'm so sorry I thought he was starting to get better with all the treatment." I said hugging him again.

"Yeah me too." He sighed.

"Hey Alan- ASHTON?" Louis squealed loudly.

"Hey louis." Ash said with a huge grin.

"I thought you were gone completely I thought I would be stuck with Liam and Harry forever." Louis smiled, one name in particular made me sweat and feel very uncomfortable.

"What about Zayn? Are you not friends anymore?" Ashton furrowed his brows.

Me and Louis stayed silent.

"Guys what did you do? What happened to him?"

"Z-Zayn is d-dead Ashton.. he's gone." I whimpered.

"Wow thats rough, your mum told me you had a relationship with him I truely am sorry, you too louis that must have been hard." He said patting my back.


The crowd had cleared out almost completely or they were drunk as hell laying around the house. I thought it was time for me to go too.

"Hey ash you ready to go?"

"Yup, bye guys."


It felt good to remove the makeup and dress. I snuggled into my covers closing my eyes- woah woah wait fuck I left my wallet there.

I groaned and got up, slipping on a long t-shirt and shoes.

Car keys- check

I arrived at Liam's house again and knocked on the door.

I waited for a good minute before the door opened.

"Hey Alana what are you doing here? It's 3:15am the boys and I were sleeping." He rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry to disturb you but I left my purse here and it has all my money and credit cards."

"Oh okay well come in you can have a look for it I'll help too if you want." He smiled.

"Thanks Liam I would appreciate that." I returned the smile.

We had checked everywhere,


Where was it?!!

I sighed and sat down on the couch in the dim lighting.

"Looking for this?" A voice broke my silence.

I turned around to be met with those innocent looking eyes that could kill you, literally.

"Ohh um yeah thanks H-harry." I stumbled over his name. I cautiously reached out for the purse careful not to touch him.

He sighed and sat down next to me.


"Don't Harry."

"Please it's been over a year since we have talked I'm miserable without you, nothing I say with ever justify what I did I realise that, I should be in jail right now. I really miss you Alana I wish we could go back to how things used to be." He sniffled and rested his head in his hands.

"Harry I think it's for the best if we keep not talking to each other, I don't hate you but I haven't completely forgiven you that's why I didn't call the cops. I could tell something changed in you that night when you let me go, so thank you for that." I smiled pulling his head up and cupping his chin.

"Can you h-hold me?" He said with watery eyes. It was obvious he was a fucked up teen but he just needed some help, so I did what he asked- I held him.

I moved his head into my lap and wrapped my arms around his torso and chest as best I could. I could still hear the faint sniffling and hiccups coming from him. I didn't want to but I did, I felt bad for him it hurt me to see him so upset and destroyed without me and I couldn't help but blame myself for it.

"Shhh. It will be okay." I whispered as I stroked through his knotted hair.


"Yes Harry?"

"My parents kicked me out about a 2 months ago and Louis' parents cant afford to keep looking after me, I have nowhere to go and-

"Yes harry, you can stay at my place." I smiled at him. It was so sad to see him now his 'bad boy' Demeanour was gone, now replaced by a broken and depressed teen.

He hugged tighter into me, grateful for what I'm doing for him.

I could feel a wet patch on my right thigh from where he had been crying.

"Thank you." I heard him whisper quietly, it was almost not audible.

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