Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V

Finally that stupid fucking bastard is dead. It felt so good to just slice through his face all the way down to his toes, and the best part was stringing his insides to the roof. Hopefully the police like my art.

Also, can you believe his last words were, "Don't hurt Alana." I love her so much, I was protecting her from Zayn, I would never hurt her. But his death is on Alana because I did warn her but she didn't do anything.

Alana's P.O.V

I was sobbing on the floor, my vision a complete blur from the river that was coming from my eyes. Why? Why! WHY!

I was only angry now, how could someone kill him that brutally and not think 'why the fuck am I doing this?'

Then a switch flicked in my brain... the text!

You have to break up with your precious little Zaynie or I will literally break him, don't underestimate me Alana. I will only say this once.

That text was from Harry, I remember him saying that in detention! Why would he do this? Just because he was jealous of Zayn! I hope he fucking rots in hell!

Why would he just turn into some sick psycho over something that was not up to him? I hope I never see him again, and he goes straight to jail. I swear if I see him at school and he acts like he didn't do shit and he is all sorry I'm gonna fucking cut his dick off!

Next day at school

Alana's P.O.V

I walked into school, everyone crowding around me looking sorry and saying exactly how sorry they are until I cracked, "I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING PITY, HE'S DEAD THAT WON'T CHANGE WITH YOUR SORRIES!" I screamed at everyone, they all went silent and I stormed off. 

I ran into the girls bathrooms to fix my running mascara that I knew I shouldn't have worn today. I heard the door creak open, I ran into a toilet stall and tried to hid my sobs from whatever chick just walked in.

"Alana, I know you're in here. Please come out so I don't have to pay for knocking the doors down!" A husky male voice said.

Crap! That's Harry! Just don't make a sound Alana he will give up eventually!

"Okay fine I'm knocking them down."

I was at the very end stall which had a window in it so hopefully by the time he gets to me I can escape.






I was half way through the window and he only had to knock down my stall door. I'm screwed!


I had 3/4 of me out. I just stared at him for a while before he grabbed me and pulled me back in. DAMMIT, so close!

"Alana why are you crying?" What a fucking stupid question!

"You really want to know? Okay well, YOU FUCKING MURDERED MY BOYFRIEND FOR NO GOOD REASON!" I yelled at him till my face was bright red. I was fuming with anger I just wanted to stab him over and over.

He froze. I began to punch his chest with each word I spoke. "WHY?!" Punch "WHY?!" Punch "WHY?!" Punch.

"What the hell Alana! Why would you accuse me of such a horrible thing?!" He said pushing me away.

"Don't lie to me you bastard you killed him because you were jealous of him, you disgust me. Enjoy jail jerk!" I said getting out my phone to dial 911.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling the fucking police so you can rot in a cell."

He snatched my phone and threw it across the room, shattering it into tiny pieces. I gasped and glared at him.

"What the hell harry!" I yelled scattering over to my broken phone pieces.

He gripped me by my arms and lifted me over his back. I screamed and kicked but it didn't effect him so I gave up. No one was here to save me from him, because they were all in the student assembly hall preparing some kind of speech for Zayn.

Harry put me in his car and ripped off his tank top and rolled it up, proceeding to put it in my mouth and tying it. Honestly I was more disgusted about his t-shirt being in my mouth then actually being gagged. He tightened his belt around my wrists so I couldn't go anywhere.

"You're not making this easy. Alana you are not going to tell anyone I did that, or I'll do the same to you, and that would hurt me so much. Don't you get it I fucking love you, I really do. Ever since I met you I knew you had to be mine. All that crap about sex lessons was so we could spend more time and you could fall for me. Then you go and date someone else, that hurt me so fucking much Alana! So I had to do what I had to do!" He spoke, a few tears leaking from the corner of his eyes.

"Hmmhhhh." I said trying to speak through the gag. He just looked at me with pure lust, how does his mood change so quickly? He just chuckled at me and began to drive, probably taking me to his house. "You are doing things to me, seeing you tied up and unable to speak, is a real turn on just wait till we get home." He said seductively grabbing my thigh.
Ohhh probably didn't see that coming.

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