Chapter 11 (Benjamin & Bast)

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Benjamin turned his music louder, nodding along with the beat. He sat on his desk and put his hands on the desk. Benjamin took in a deep breath then made fire, he smirked and tried to make shapes. He made stars, clouds, animals and cartoon characters.

A knock on the door made him turn, he glared and stomped to the door. He groaned and opened the door and Bast stood there. Her long black hair braided back, she wore a simple lighy green dress. Brown headband, also her secret weapon, wrapped around her head. Bast held a paper, Benjamin look at it and crossed his arms.

He clicked on the button, shutting off the music and raised his eyebrow.

"What?" Benjamin asked.

"Just read the paper." Bast begged.

"Sorry, I already reached my limit of reading for the day." He snapped.

"It's a note from Apollo! He wants to see you!"

"Who is Apollo again?"

"The jerk who broke up Python and Olly! Remember?"

Benjamin pouted, "Yeah."

Bast slammed the paper against his chest, glaring at him. She shifted into him, trying to get his thoughts but he made his mind blank. Bast screamed and started to punch his chest, yelling curse words and threatening him. She didn't stop until Bj pulled her away.

"What's going on here?" Bj asked.

"Benjamin is being a complete asshole! Why is he so trusting over Apollo?" Bast asked.

"Woah, colorful language." Bj said.

"Apollo is right. Python is a villian, and Apollo is a villain. They deserve each other." Benjamin said.

"How dare you! Python saved our necks!" Bast yelled.

"Seriously? Python is a son of a villian! He will always be a villian!"

"We're children of villians!"

"That's different!"


"We can feel love! Python can't." Benjamin yelled.

Benjamin just got slapped. Bast widened her eyes and Bj snorted. Bartholomew glared at him, his eyes bloodshot, hair messy and wearing a over sized sweatshirt. Benjamin recognised the sweatshirt as Pythons, and straighten his back.

"You have no right to call Python loveless. You have no right to speak badly of him! If anyone is a villian it's you! You always been a jerk, always thought you're better than us! Well guess Benjamin? You're not!" Bartholomew yelled.

"You only stopped crying to come out and defend the cheater?" Benjamin snapped.

Bartholomew eyes turned electric blue and he pushed Benjamin back. Benjamin crashed into his desk, snapping it and he glared at Bartholomew. Benjamin yelled and flew towards Bartholomew and smashed him against the wall and punched him. Bartholomew kicked him off and grabbed the table and hit Benjamin with it.

Benjamin grabbed Bartholomew's hair and yelled some insults. Bartholomew punched and kick, defending Python. He cried and called Benjamin some names.

"Guys! Stop it!" Bj yelled as he pulled apart them.

Bast held onto Bartholomew, who's wiping away his tears and glared at Benjamin. Benjamin spit out the blood and wiped his mouth. Bartholomew pushed off Bast and look at him.

"Don't blame Python for your stupid petty hatred for your dad." Bartholomew said.

Bejamin felt anger burned in his chest and clenched his fist. He didn't care if Bartholomew loves Python, he's stupid for that Benjamin thinks. He noticed Bartholomew marching to his room, and Benjamin couldn't let Bartholomew get away with that comment. He flew towards him, forgetting the stairs and grabbed his shoulders. Bartholomew lost his footing and they crashed down the stairs.

"Benjamin! Olly!" Bast yelled.

Bartholomew felt his ankle snapped. Benjamin sat up and noticed his forehead bleeding. He quickly covered his wound and stared at Bartholomew with wide eyes. He saw Bartholomew's ankle bending weird, and backed away. Bartholomew groaned and clenched his teeth, trying to focus off the pain. But the throbbing pain in his ankle screaming at him, he closed hid eyed.

"Olly!" Bentley yelled.

He ran towards him but fell on his stomach, already cringing from the pain he feels from Bartholomew and anger from Benjamin. Benjamin stoof up and was tackled by Bast, who was screaming and telling him that's she's right.

"What just happened?" Beatrix asked.

"Olly! Are you okay?" Boomer asked as rushed to his side.

Bartholomew groaned, "No! No, I'm not okay! My heart is ripped to shreds, ankle broken and my cousin is talking shit about theblove of my life!"

Boomer didn't seem phased by his son's outburst, used to, and grabbed his leg. He looked over iy and took off his jacket, putting over Bartholomew's shoulders. Boomer look at Benjamin, with some resent in his eyes, Boomer scooped up Bartholomew and walked outside to his car. Putting him the back seat, he drove away.

"Bast, are you okay?" Beatrix asked.

"Fine. I just need the van keys." Bast said.

"I wouldn't do it." Bentley said.

"I have to Bentley, the only way I can finally make things right." Bast replied.

"Then I'm coming too." Beatrix said.

Benjamin saw his father, Brick, walked in with Blossom by his side. Benjamin jumped up and crossed his arms, glaring at him. Benjamin turned and walked in the kitchen. He grabbed the fridge door handle, which melted in his hand. Benjamin growled and heard footsteps.

"Benji? What did you do? Boomer just called me and said some words." Brick said.

"Oh, so now you care? Last time I checked you would call up one of your whores and have some fun!" Benjamin yelled.

"Benjamin Victor Jojo!" Brick yelled.

"You don't get to call me that! I am not a Jojo! I will never be a Jojo or a son of Brick Jojo. I rather break my own neck than be related to you!"

"You're my son! And you will do what I say!"

"Oh now I'm your son? Well guess what! I broken Bartholomew's ankle on purpose, that's right, on purpose! Go on and tell your stupid brother what I said." Benjamin hollered.

"Don't you call my brother stupid." Brick snapped.

Benjamin kicked his dad in the shin, making Brick fall. Benjamin punched the fridge, melting a hole and stomped out. He left burnt footprints and yelled as he marched down the street.

Going to someone's house, Sam.


"Slow down Bast!" Beatrix yelled. "We could get pulled over!"

"And I'll say your in labor." Bast replied.

"What?" Beatrix shrieked.

"We're almost there!"

"Almost where?"


Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What we thinks??? Benjamin??? Bartholomew broken ankle???  Bast not trusting Apollo???? Her getting Python??? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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