Chapter 28 (Bartholomew)

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Python grabbed his waist as they moved away. Bartholomew wrapped his arms around his neck, heavy breathing. Bartholomew looked over as the fallen building separated himself and his twin. Python checked for injuries on Bartholomew as the blonde looked all over the place.

"Baby, are you okay? Please tell me you're alright." Python begged.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. I promise." Bartholomew said.

Bartholomew hugged Python, bringing the punk close. Python pressed his face against the blondes neck. They held onto each other tight, afraid to let each other go. Python started to cry as Bartholomew eyes widened. He pulled apart and cupped Python's face. Python closed his eyes as Bartholomew frowned.

Bartholomew found something that makes his heart breaks: Python crying.

"What's wrong?" Bartholomew asked.

"I don't want to lose youm that building almost took your life away from me. I can't lose you, Bartholomew. You saved me from the darkness and if I lost you then I would've gone crazy." Python said.

Bartholomew smiled, "Python, you won't lose me. I promise that we'll make out of this together. And when we do, we'll have a little date and I'll cook!"

"You can't cook, baby."

"I was actually gonna by chinese take-out, your favorite, and Bentley's famous sweet tea."

"You actually wanna plan a date?"

"Yes! And we can even spend the night under the stars." Bartholomew said as he pressed their noses together. "And when we win and come out alive, maybe we can even have our first kiss."

Python laughed as he kissed the blondes nose. He opened his mouth to say something but a glimmer caught his eye. He looked over as Bartholomew pulled away in confusion, then Python eyes widened. He pushed away Bartholomew as a spear threw between them. Bartholomew looked at Python and they reached their hands out but black hair grabbed their waist. Python eyes widened as he dragged down, hair wrapped around his ankles.

"Bartholomew!" Python yelled.

"Python!" Bartholomew yelled.

The couple looked at each wide eye. A wicked laugh made Python look down. Her green eyes, curvy body but the hair tighten as she looked at Bartholomew. Python tried flying up but the hair restricted him. Sedusa gave a loud groan as Python struggled to reach Bartholomew.

"So this is the little twink that took my precious son!" Sedusa hissed.

"Let me go." Python hissed.

Finally Bartholomew screamed out. Python looked over and his made little snakes. Bullets started to hit Bartholomew, scrapping his arms and lodging in his leg. Python made more snakes to take the bullets, only a couple scraped his arm. Bartholomew noticed someone standing there, laughing as they shot more bullets.

"Bartholomew, hold on!" Python screamed.

Sedusa smirked, "Once we get rid of this scum, I shall my beautiful son back. Then together with Ethan they'll take down Puffs and Ruffs forever!"

"Get over yourself!" Bartholomew yelled. "My cousins and brother will take you down! Once I finally break free, I swear I'm gonna run with Python and make you regret staying a villain."

"You think you're gonna win? I trained these kids with skill known to man. I know all their strengths, weakness and power levels. And for some reason you're Python's weakness." Sedusa said.

"Bartholomew, when I get you free. Run away. Fly far away." Python said.

"No! I'm not leaving you. We're are gonna spend the rest our life together, that's what it always meant to be. If you stay then I'm staying." Bartholomew said.

They looked at each, knowing this mat be the last being together, but they both gave each other a small smile. They took out each other hand, trying to reach each other. But a bullet grazed Bartholomew's hand. He flinched but their fingers brushed against each other.

"Fine! If my son refuses to be by my side! Then no one shall be by his side. Tennessee, take the shot!" Sedusa yelled.

"No!" Python yelled.

"Yes m'am." Tennessee said.

Python started to make more snakes as Tennessee shot widly. The snakes block every bullet, Python flinched everytime a snake is killed. Bartholomew realized that Python heart is connected with the snakes. He feels all the pain the snakes feel. Bartholomew had tears in his eyes. But Python couldn't block the shots forever. He will get tired and wear out. Also Bartholomew knows that Tennessee is playing with Python.

Bartholomew knows that if he going to die then he wants to say something. He wants his final words to mean something. His eyes locked with Python's and gave him a small smile. Tears ran down his face.

Finally Python made his last snake. Bartholomew blinked away the tears. If this is really going to kill him then he wants Python to see his smiling face before he dies.

"I love you, Python." Bartholomew said.

Tennessee pulled the trigger as Python screamed. Bartholomew looked up at the sky, seeing it was the perfect shade of blue. He waited for the final bullet but it never came. He looked down and saw a blue snake spinning infront of him. Taking all the bullets and a strange image appeared in the middle.

Bartholomew noticed it was him but through Python's eyes. The first time they met infront of his school, when Shadow attacked them, their moments in the cave. He saw their days through school, the small dates they had during the summer. But he noticed a golden light behind him, it made him look like an angel. Python words echoed through his brain, 'you saved me from the darkness'. Bartholomew faced blushed, Python sees him as an actual angel.

Finally Tennessee ran out of bullets as he shouted colorful words. The blue snake wrapped around Bartholomew waist, feeling warm and alive. Sedusa grip losen on Python, and Python flew towards Bartholomew. The two wrapped their arms around each other.

"I love you too! I love you so much, Bartholomew that it physically hurts. You're my angel from heaven, my other half, you're my Bartholomew!" Python exclaimed.

Python peppered Bartholomew's face with kisses. Bartholomew giggled and tighten his grip on Python's hands. They finally turned back to Sedusa and Tennessee. Their eyes glaring, their joined hands caused a storm. Sand flying on Bartholomew's side and snakes on Python's. Soon the two things blended together, making a snake tornado and Python smirked.

"Sorry Sedusa," Python said.

"You messed with the wrong couple." Bartholomew said with a large smile.

The couple brought out their hands, making the storm go towards them. They tried to flt away but the storm caught up to them. Sand tapped them as the snakes tied around the two villains. Bartholomew squealed as he hugged Python. Python kissed Bartholomew cheek and neck.

"I seriously glad that you're alive. I love you so much." Python whispered.

"Python, I love you too." Bartholomew said.

A loud explosion made the couple look over. The large group of green skinned men laughing as they blew up places. The couple looked at each other with a smile and flew towards the villain group. Knowing that they will make out of this alive.

Heyyo Guyys!!!!!!!!

What we thinkks??? Bartholomew???? Python??? Them finally admitting that they love each other!!! Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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