Chapter 25 (All)

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Bj opened his eyes, he looked around and smiled as he heard Sam snore. He looked at the roof of his car as he remembered the night. They spent the time dancing, singing and laughing the entire time. Finally at three A.M. they laid in the back of the van talking about everything and nothing.

His arm wrapped around Sam's waist and pulled her close. He closed his eyes as he buried his face in her hair. Sam groaned as she woke up, stretching but smiled as Bj tighten his grip. She out her hands over his. Bj smiled in her hair. He loved the feeling of her hands ontop of his.

"What time is it?" Sam asked.

"Dunno." Bj said.

Sam turned around. Bj blinked and gulped as her nose touched his. Sam giggled, she put her hand on his cheek. Bj face burned while Sam stared into his eyes. Bj moved his hand down to her waist, with his other arm she laid her head on it. Bj smiled as Sam traced patterns on his cheek.

They stayed quiet, they didn't need any words to explain their feelings. They just stared into each other eyes as she traced patterns. Their eyes told everything they wanted to say. Bj let go of her waist and reached over to traced her lips. Sam face turn red as he leaned forward.

"I like your eyes." Bj whispered.

Sam rolled her eyes, "We should get dressed. Another day of music and food!"

"Yes m'am!"

After putting on clothes and locking up the van. The two walked down to the small booths looking at the trinkets. They joked and laughed, and danced along the music. Bj laughed as he pulled Sam close, placing his head on her shoulder. Sam wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him close. Bj laughed.

"Can't keep your hands off me, can ya?" Bj whispered.

"You're a dork." Sam said.

Bj opened his mouth to say something but he felt someone slam their fist into his back. He turned around and met with a pair of angry brown eyes. He narrowed his eyes and grumbled some colorful words. The man smelled like booze, making Bj gagged, but the man pushed Bj again.

"What's your deal?" Bj asked.

"You're in my spot!" The man yelled.

"It's just grass! There's no giant X to claim your spot!"

The man pushed Bj, making Bj fall on the ground. Bj groaned as his bum hit the ground. The man pointed at him.

"You dirty no good rotten teenager! Learn to respect your elders!" The drunken man snapped.

Bj opened his mouth but Sam already walked forward, she punched him in the face. The drunken staggered but covered his nose when blood started to drip out. Bj eyes widened as she helped him up. He looked at her, in compete shock, she smiled but Bj grabbed her hand. He sighed as he lightly touched her knuckles, making her flinch, Bj pressed his lips together.

"I have an ice pack in my van." Bj said.

Sam nodded. The two walked to the van as Bj joked and laughed. He keep talking about the punch, which he named Epic Punch of the Century, Sam giggled. He opened the back door and Sam sat down. He passed her the ice pack and laughed as he sat down.

"I can't believe you did that!" Bj exclaimed.

"Why not? He pushed you down, I didn't want you to get hurt." Sam said.

Bj opened his mouth to say something but a security guard came up. Bj groaned as he nodded and waved him off, knowing that they are just kicked out. Sam sighed as she climbed to the front seat. Bj smirked as he looked at her butt before closing the back door. He walked to the front and sat down, turning on the radio he drove out of the place. Sam gasped, making Bj stomped on the brake and look at her.

"What's wrong?" Bj asked.

Sam pulled out something and passed to Bj, "I found this for you. I figured if you bracelets, choker turns into a weapon then maybe this can shield you."

Bj looked down at the sheild pendant. He smiled as he looked at her. Putting it around his neck as Bj grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together.

"I love it."


Bentley kicked on the bars as he yelled. He screamed until his voice gave up. Bentley grabbed the bars and tried to bent them. But he doesn't have super strength, he can only read minds. Yet he couldn't read anyone minds here. He sighed as he pressed his forehead against the bars.

"Let me out!" Bentley yelled.

He closed his eyes and tried to focused reading everyone minds, but they've been trained not to be able let mind readers in. He felt something brushed against his fingers. Bentley opened his mouth to scream but a hand covered his mouth. He looked forward and a light green glow under the light. Bentley felt something touching his forehead and all the sudden voice rushed into his head. He heard Maine's voice!

Bentley! I was so worried! Apollo is stupid, are you okay? I have some water and food.

Bentley opened his mouth to say something but he just mumbled against Maine's hand. Maine tapped Bentley's forehead.

Can't talk, they got Vicky listening. She can hear anything from a mile away.

Bentley frowned.

I'm gonna get you out. Your cousins need you. Apollo has planned an invasion and it's brutal. Ethan is also planning something but he won't tell us. He says that it'll bring down Benjamin though.

Bentley gasped.

Now I'm going to pass you the key. Put it between the bars, it'll only work if you do it from the inside.

Bentley nodded. Maine took his hand off of Bentley's mouth. Bentley followed Maine's instructions and the bars melted, Bentley eyes widebed. He stepped through it and Maine grabbed his hand.

I know the way out. Just follow me, we gotta take the back halls. Only level one and two go down there but I know you can handle them.

Bentley shook his head, "No we can."

Maine looked at him. Bentley smiled as he squeezed the brunette's hand. Maine gave him a goofy smile.

"We're best friends and we'll get out of together." Bentley whispered.

Maine nodded. Let's go.


The six teens landed in front of a large house. Benjamin glanced down at his left hand, burning red but he sighed. Beatrix jumped on the balls of her feet, feeling extremely nervous. Bast looked over at Python, he stared at the house and clenched his fist together. Bartholomew took in a deep breath.

"Do you have any of his plans?" Benjamin asked.

"Nope, but take them seriously. We, the villain kids; like to play dirty." Python said.

"Boy, do we know that one." Beatrix said.

The teens looked at each other, nodding knowing that is the biggest thing they're going to do. Bartholomew looked over at Python, who flinched at every noise. Bartholomew laced their hands together, Python looked over and smiled.

"Are we ready?" Bast asked.

The teens nodded.

"You guys can't possibly think you're doing this without me. Right?" Bj asked as he flew in front of them.

He gave them a smile as all the teens smiled. They turned back to the house and walked up to the large house.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Bj and Sam??? Bentley telling Maine that he's his best friend???? The teens going to save Bentley???? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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