Chapter 24 (Bast)

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"We need a full proof plan." Bast whispered to Jian.

Jian shook his head, "No. Apollo is expecting that. Apollo bases his actions of off random, he hates plans. Something that makes him a great but damgerous ally."

"How can he function? Why is he going to our school? What is his end game?"

"Think about it. Apollo has always looks up to Ethan. He's jealous that Python and Ethan was always close, he didn't understand that Python left for Bartholomew. Which is why he tried to drive a wedge between them."

Bast pressed her lips together as she pushed her eggs around. Benjamin walked in, the orange juice boiling. He sat across from them, his eye twitching. Jian pulled his hands underneath the table. Bast gave Benjamin a small smile. She turned her whole body towards Benjamin, knowing that Benjamin is going to crack. Bast pushed her plate of eggs towards Benjamin. He looked at them, Bast noticed his face paler, hair messy and bags underneath his eyes. Benjamin looked up at her.

"Bast, do you think I'm a villain?" He asked.

Bast felt her heart crack. He said in a sad voice, she reached over to grab his hands. Bast flinched at the heat from his left hand but didn't move. Instead she looked at him. Benjamin flinched under her stare. She looked at him with love, confusion and seriousness. Bast gave him a smile and Benjamin tried ti look away but he couldn't. Jian even noticed that Bast wouldn't let Benjamin go. It was like she controlled his body to look at her. Her hair flickered to short then long, her green eyes turned a dark pink, and Benjamin noticed her soft features turned into his. Jian realized Bast is trying to show Benjamin that he isn't a monster, instead she's showing him that he's a teenager.

"I don't. I think your hot tempered, blunt, punk and very edgy. I never thought once you are a monster. You're Benjamin Jojo. A son of puff and ruff. You decide how you wanna be known as." Bast said.

Benjamin smiled, "Thank you."

Benjamin walked away and Jian smiled at Bast. She raised her eyebrow towards him. He grabbed her hand, making her blush, and put his cbin on his other hand. Bast made no movement to move her hand, instead she liked his hand. It's cold compared to her warm, he had long chunky fingers while her are long and skinny. Bast scooted closer to him, their shoulders pressed together. She laid her head on his shoulder and he put his head ontop hers.

"I actually miss fighting classes." Bast said.

"But you hate fighting." Jian said with a smirk.

"Yeah, but it was fun with you. I actually miss being able to walk to your house. I miss the movie nights, ice cream late night trips, I miss climbing up the trees with you, the push up contests."

"The neighborhood has been crazy without you. I miss your calm presence."

Bast closed her eyes, "What if Apollo attacks and we can't handle him? What if we lose or lose our lives in the fight."

"What ifs will forever clog up your mind if you let them. Trust me, I know. But once we win the battle, I promise to take you out for late night ice cream, climbing trees and we'll have a push up contest once the night ends."

She giggled, "Can't wait."

Jian laughed, allowing Bast to feel thr vibrations from his chest. She saw Buttercup walk in, her swollen stomach and Bast flinched. Everytime she sees her, it reminds her that soon she won't be thr apple of her dad's eye. Bellona will. Butch will forget all about Bast all becaude they decided to have another cbild. Bast tried walking out but her dad walked in. He smiled at her, Bast froze and saw Buttercup looking at her.

"Hi, I was about them to make a smoothie. Would you like one?" Buttercup asked.

Jian poked her back, "Don't be rude."

"No thank you." She said then glared at her dad. "But I imagine you would've made one and not tell me about it."

"Bast." Jian hissed.

"Sweetie, just because another baby is coming doesn't mean I'm gonna love her more." Butch said.

"Whatever. She'll be your new baby girl and I'll be old news. That how it always goes. Bj will be the only boy but then again you like him more than me."

"I don't! You're my baby girl."

"Thanks," She hissed. "Make sure you tell that to Bellona. I need to change into day clothes, so excuse me."

Bast stomped to her bedroom, knowing Jian is following her, she slammed the door behind her. Bast locked it, she opened her closet with tears in her eyes, grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and green flannel. She put the clothes on, then unlocked the dokr. Bast sat on her make up chair, staring in the mirror. Polaroid pictures covered the rim and some of the mirror. Pictures of her cousins, she took some of them with their friends or crushes. She had very few of herself. Bast closed her eyes.

She heard someone tapping at the window. Bast looked over and saw Jian. She raised her eyebrow and walked kver towards the window. Opening it, Jian crawled through the window. He sat on the window seal and patted across from him. She sat across and wrapped her arms around herself.

"You know that Butch loves you with all his heart. One time he threatened to cutt off my dick if I got to handsy." Jian said.

"Is that gonna change my opinion about the baby? Nope! I will never get used to having another girl taking all my dad's love! It's no fair, I should be the only one that's his baby girl."

"Bast, you will always be his babt girl. Who did he look for when Bj and you got lost jn the mall, you! Who did he call when he wanted to play a quick game of soccer, you. Who did he make thr special breakfast pancakes on Halloween, you and Bj's birthday, you! You will always have a special place in Butch's heart, no one is going to take that away."

Bast smiled as she looked out the window. At first the sun was shinning bright but now the sun is barely there. A large shadow covered it, Bast widened her eyes. She leaned forward but ended up falling out the window. Jian called out to her but her cousins already walked out. Bast gulped but saw the dark shadow was gone.

"Did you see that?" She asked.

"See what?" Beatrix asked.

"Told you my ass looks great in these jeans! Even she noticed." Bartholomew said.

"Not my fault that I want it covered up, now is it?" Python asked.

Beatrix helped her up, Bast still stared towards the sky. Her eyes burned and turned away. Her eyes met with Python, he showed fear but looked away. Benjamin ran out then down the street.

"Benji! Where are you going?" Beatrix yelled.

"Factory! Maine was right, Bentley is in trouble. Gotta help now!" Benjamin yelled.

Bast flew towards him, "Wouldn't it be easier to fly?"

"Oh right." Benjamin muttered then flew up.

But the teens had no idea what is instore for them.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!

What we thinkks??? Bast??? Jian??? Butchercup pregnant??? Them going after Bentley??? Well your thoughts!!!!!

Also I have a question, would you guys be cool if I wrote a book about just the couples?? Like a book focused on PythonxBartholomew relationship or BjxSam. If so, I totally would write about them.

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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