Chapter 32 (Beatrix)

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Beatrix has no idea what she is doing. It's not a lie or understatement. She watched her twin arm get cut off and beaten to a bloody pulp. Beatrix went through the villains like chocolate cake. She sliced, injured but never kill. Beatrix kept on fighting until she ran out of breath.

"Trixie!" She heard someone yell.

Beatrix is to exhasted to reply. She turn around to look for the person who called her name but it felt as if all the energy suck out of her. She closed her eyes as she fell out of the sky. A pair of arms caught her and a pair of lips kissed her forehead. Beatrix opened her eyes as her face turn beet red.

"Camilla?" Beatrix asked.

"Do you need some time off. I can tag in for you." Camilla said.

"No . . . we need to beat these villains and protect Townsville."

"Trixie, you also need worry about yourself. You almost broke your neck if I didn't catch ya!"

Beatrix smiled as she hugged Camilla. Camilla gasped but hugged back. Beatrix tangled her fingers in Camilla's choppy brown hair. She felt all the tiredness leave her body. She loved the feeling of Camilla's bidy and hair. She could care less that people thinks that loving the same sex is wrong. All Beatrix knows that she is undeniable in love with Camilla.

Beatrix is proud that she loves Camilla and doesn't care if people disagrees with her.

"Camilla, I seriously love you." Beatrix said as she pulled away.

Camilla blinked a couple of times as her face turn slowly red. Beatrix giggled as she grabbed Camilla's face and slammed their lips together. Camilla gasped but kissed Beatrix back. Beatrix pulled away with a goofy smile while Camilla look like a fish gulping for air. Beatrix jumped out of Camilla's arms and grabbed her hand.

"Are you ready to fight to the death with me?" Beatrix asked.

"You're a little violent little girl, aren't you?" Camilla replied with a smile.

"Just a little."

"Besides we still have to take down Femme Fatale."

"Why do we?"

"Dunno, just don't like her for some reason."

Camilla laughed as she rolled her eyes, clicking her heels together turning on her jet pack boots. Beatrix flew up and dragged Camilla behind her. Together the two they fought through more, dodged weapons and saved innocent by standers. Beatrix looked over and saw Benjamin flying towards her. She raised her eyebrow but before she could say anything Benjamin crashed into her, bringing both twins down.

"Ouch!" Beatrix exclaimed.

Benjamin groaned as they landed against the ground. The sidewalk crushed underneath them with pebbles flying around. Benjamin rolled over, groaning as his face hit the sidewalk. Beatrix look over and flinched as her eyes looked at his missing arm. She looked away, hoping that Benjamin didn't catch her staring.

"I know you're staring." Benjamin said.

"I'm sorry." She muttered.

"Who cares? Ethan cut off my arm . . . But now I want to save him. Crazy?"

"No, I think that it makes you human or a hero."

"You don't think I'm a villain?"

Beatrix blink, "No. Who told you that you're a villain?"

"Well, after all the times I was cruel to you and the others. I just figured that you guys saw me as the villain. And that I deserve my arm being cut off."

Beatrix out her hands on his shoulders. He looked at her, sad eyes full of tears. Beatrix smiled showing off get braces. For yhe first time the two twins actually saw each other as siblings. They didn't see each other as strangers or random people. They see each other as true siblings.

"You're my brother, twin and yes you do before thinking but I don't see you as a villain. You are good and son of Blossom and Brick Jojo." Beatrix said.

"I am and you are my sister." Benjamin said.

"Since Ethan and you started this feud only you guys can end it." She said.

"I don't know if I can do it alone." He whispered.

"Then it really sweet that you have us, right?" Bentley asked.

The twins looked over and saw their cousins with Python, standing there. Beatrix giggled as she looked at them. Jumping up she hugged them but something in their eyes told her they been through something. She looked around for Bj but he was no where to be seen.

"I couldn't find him." Bast said with worry.

"He's alive." Bentley said.

Bartholomew smiled, "So little Benji is finally admitting he needs help?"

Benjamin nodded. The blondes looked at each other and nodded. Beatrix frowned as she realized Maine wasn't with them. Sure she just met him but he looked nice. Beatrix looked at Bentley and flinched at his appearance. His face look deathly pale, blank mismatched blue eyes and tear stained face, blood on his clothes.

"Where's Maine?" Beatrix asked.

Bentley blinked as he turned away. His shoulders shook and closed his eyes tight. Beatrix looked at Bast, who covered her mouth, and Bartholomew gripped on Python's arm. Benjamin stood up and frowned. Bartholomew rushed over to his brother and hugged him.

"He died . . . He died protecting me." Bentley said.

Bast had tears falling out of her eyes. Beatrix ran over and hugged Bentley. Benjamin and Bast joined in the big as  Bentley cried loudly. Beatrix held on him tighter as he pushed them away. Bentley wiped his eyes.

"Bast also lost Jian. Bartholomew and Python almost lost each other. Beatrix finally kissed Camilla and Benjamin lost an arm." Bentley said. "I'll be fine."

"I hate it when you read our minds." Beatrix said.

Bentley shrugged, "So any plans how we're going to take down Ethan."

Before anyone could say anything a flaming arrow landed in Benjamin's foot. Benjamin yelped and looked at Ethan as he ripped out the arrow. Beatrix saw something fly them, she looked over and saw Bj flying after someone.

"Bj!" Bast yelled.

"Come on Benji! What else can I do for you to kill me?" Ethan asked.

"Brother, no!" Python yelled.

Python created a snake and flew up. Benjamin nodded at Beatrix and Bartholomew. Bast and Bentley flee after Bj. Python called out for Ethan as the three teens followed after him.

Camilla flew next to Beatrix, "Are you ready?"

"Nope." She replied.

"Me either."

With that the two girls laced their hands together and flew after Ethan.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!

What we thinkks??? Beatrix??? Camilla??? Final battle with Ethan??? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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