Chapter 18 (All)

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Benjamin sat across of Brick. His dad looked nervous, his orange hair slowly turning grey, his face looked tired from being a superhero. Benjamin pressed his hands together, he wanted to be angry but instead he felt sad. Ethan is still in his brain, taunting him. Ethan and him had a deadly battle, Ethan swore revenge on Benjamin and even told Benjamin that he isn't looking for the right enemy. Benjamin felt tears running down his face. Benjamin finally rubbed his hands against his skinny jeans.

"Brick, I always thought I hated you. And to be honest, I really did, but you made me. I looked up to you, I saw you as my hero! You saved me from so many villians, you taught me how to use my powers to the fullest. Brick. . . I don't understand how you could just sleep around with whores or treat me like I wasn't there!

"You don't understand how lonely I was during middle school. People only wanted to be my friend because I had these stupid powers! I only got these piercings, dyed my hair, dress like a gothic punk because I wanted you to notice me!" Benjamin yelled as he jumped up.

"For me to notice you? Benjamin, I did notice you. You're my son." Brick said.

"Please don't lie to me." Benjamin whispered.

"I know that your favorite color is yellow, you only wear red or link because of Blossom and I. Your favorite food is enchiladas, but you only like it with homemade sauce. You talk in your sleep as a kid you sang about kangroos. Your favorite animal used to be dog but now it's a leopard. I also know that you can't sleep without nightmares about Ethan." Brick said.

Benjamin looked away, "I lost you. I thought I would be happier without you. Instead I wasn't, I wanted you back."

He looked at Brick and hugged him. Brick was taken back but hugged Benjamin back. Benjamin started to cry on his shoulder, letting out all the frustration, anger and sadness towards his father. Brick just hugged him and rubbed his back.

"I hope that you can forgive me, Benjamin." Brick whispered.

"It's Benji, dad." Benjamin said.

Brick smiled as Benjamin held him tighter. Benjamin finally felt free from all the hatred he had for Brick. He finally felt happy.


Bj sat on his bed watching Sam went through his dresser. His ears turned red but he couldn't help but smile. Sam told him a huge secret, she actually trusted Bj with it. He looked away, feeling to happy and he didn't want his heart to explode.

"You really like aliens, huh?" Sam asked.

Bj looked over and she held up his boxers. Bj face went entire red as he jumped up. He tried to grab the boxers but Sam pulled them away. She laughed as Bj tried grabbing them but she putting them out of reach. He smirked and grabbed the boxers but Sam pulled them towards her. The two teens fell and Bj landed ontop of her. He looked down and widened her eyes.

Her face was so close to his. Bj could notice the smallest things about her, such as a tiny freckle under her right eye. Or how long her eyelashes are, even how plump her lips are. Bj touched her hair, Sam looked at him, and he traced her face with his other finger. Sam blushed under his touch but didn't tell him to stop.

"Your skin is really soft." Bj whispered.

Sam smiled. Bj pulled away his finger but Sam grabbed his hand. Bj gulped as she reached up her other hand and started to trace his face. He felt frozen under her touch, he couldn't move because he liked her touching his skin. Bj frowned as she pulled away but she didn't make any move to get up.

"I think I'm going to like this weekend." Sam said.

Bj smiled, "I will too. But I think I need my alien boxers."

High School Drama (PpgzxRrbz kids) |Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now