Chapter 29 (Benjamin)

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Benjamin felt his heart dropped, Beatrix screamed out his name. In a instant he forgot how to fly, Ethan grabbed his shirt and Benjamin slumped down. Ethan laughed as he toss Benjamin in the air and grabbed his other arm. Benjamin dark pink eyes met with Ethan's dark brown eyes. Ethan gave a wicked smirk then digged his thumb in Benjamin's wound. Benjamin let out a sharp yell.

"This could've been avoided if you killed me back in the mountain, Benji! Why didn't you kill me?" Ethan asked.

Benjamin gasped, "I couldn't. I'm not a killer."

"Yes you are!" Ethan said as he pulled out a knife. "Go on. Show me who you really are!"

Benjamin kicked very wearily but couldn't move. Ethan grabbed the knife and stabbed it in Benjamin's stomach. He screamed out in pain. Somehow that stab in the stomach gave him a burst of energy, he kicked Ethan off. Once Ethan flew back from the kick, Benjamin felt himself falling down. He closed his eyes, getting ready for impact.

Instead something wrapped around his waist. Benjamin opened his eyes and Ethan glared at him. The rope tighten around his stab wound and he was jerk up. He gasped and felt himself slamming into the wall. Benjamin face got cut with the glass and cement. He blinked away the dust. Ethan's fist collided with Benjamin's face.

"Why won't you kill me already? I took away your arm, stabbed your stomach and about to destroy your town! Come on!" Ethan yelled.

"If you wanna die so bad go do it yourself!" Benjamin snapped.

He tried pushing away Ethan but his right arm isn't his dominant hand. Ethan grip didn't loosen on his shirt. His brown eyes full of fiery rage as he gripped Benjamin's neck. Benjamin gasped for air as he started to kick Ethan back.

"Benjamin!" He heard Brick yelled.

Benjamin didn't make any noise, he tried to keep all the air in. Ethan let out a loud scream as he slammed Benjamin repeatedly against the wall. Benjamin closed his eyes and took the beating. He didn't fight back, say anything or even opened his eyes.

His feelings all surrounded by the fact is this is how he's going to die. By the hands of his enemy. Benjamin has no idea why Ethan wants to die so bad. He thought keeping Ethan in a cell would make him realize how bad his actions are. But instead it only made him crazy. Benjamin felt remorse for Ethan, it's his fault that Ethan went full crazy. He deserves his arm being cut off, his stomach stabbed and repeatedly slammed against the wall.

"I'm s-sorry." Benjamin whispered.

Ethan laughed dryly, "You're sorry? No, you're not sorry. You did this to me, Benjamin! You did this! Once I finally get rid of you or you kill me I can be happy!"

"Dying won't make you happy! You need to forgive yourself, I can help you."

"Nope, nope, nope. I been thinking real hard when I was alone in that cell. I made some bad mistakes and I only did them for my mother. Benjamin, why can't you see if I'm still living she will use me, every villain will use me. I have, I want to die."

Ethan slumped his head on Benjamin's chest. He cried, Benjamin looked forward as he couldn't move. Ethan wasn't pinning him against the wall anymore, Benjamin refused to move because Ethan is crying. Benjamin look around as black dots danced in his eyes, from the lost of blood.

Then a sharp pain in Benjamin's side. He gasped as Ethan looked up with tear stained face. He looked depressed and continued to cry. Benjamin eyes caught a glint around Ethan's neck. Red dot flashed as Ethan raised the knife. He widened his eyes as he realized everything. Ethan wants to die because he's being undercontrolled and doesn't think he can fight against it.

"Come on Ethan. I know you can fight against it." Benjamin said.

Ethan shook his head as tears spilled down his face. He grabbed Benjamin's shoulders and pushed him down against the wall, using all his strength he has. Ethan pushed Benjamin down the building. Benjamin slide against the wall as his back scaped from the force. Benjamin felt his face against the ground, his nose piercing caught against the grass. He pulled the grass out from the ring.

Flipping on his back side, Benjamin looked up at the sky. He started to scold himself for losing but he glanced at his left side. Lighting a fire in his right palm, he brought it over and placed it over his left shoulder. Burning the wound closed. Letting out small gasps as he flinched. After he closed his wound, he moved to his stomach, after that he burned his side. Benjamin put his hand out next to him.

"Benji! My son, my tell me you're alive." Brick yelled as he rushed over.

Brick grabbed Benjamin and placed his head on his lap. Benjamin started to cry as Brick touched his left shoulder. Brick sighed as he gave Benjamin a small smile.

"It's not that bad. You look more punk rock with a missing arm." Brick said.

"I failed dad. I'm not a hero. I'm the reason why Ethan did this! Why can't I be a good hero?" Benjamin asked.

"Because there isn't any. Every hero has their flaw. Yours is caring to much, even for you worst enemies."

"I don't think I can save this town."

"And? I just want my son alive and well."

Benjamin closed his eyes as Brick brushed back his hair. Benjamin took in a deep breath but flinched as Ethan screamed again. Brick sighrd as he tried to pick up Benjamin.

"Come on. I need to get you somewhere safe. It's dangerous out here." Brick said.

"No. I have to save Ethan. He deserves that." Benjamin said.

"Benji . . ."

"Dad, you need to let me do this. If I save Ethan then everyone will be safe."

Brick sighed but nodded. Benjamin stood up, struggling for a balance but looked up. Ethan looked down at him then started to fly down. Benjamin took in a deep breath and flew up. Raising his right fist, Benjamin began to mentally prepared himself to save Ethan.

Benjamin is ready to fight for his life.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!!!

What we thinkks???? Benjamin??? Ethan??? The little father son moment??? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!

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