Chapter 19 (Bentley)

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"How could keep this from me? Us? Does Python know?" Bentley asked.

No he doesn't. As I said before, I wasn't up to Sedusa's standard. I'm deaf. The mind reader can't see in my mind. I am defected, you could say.

Bentley blinked then threw his hands in the air. Maine just picked off a leaf. Bentley frowned, he wants answers, he wants to know why Maine just told him that he's a son of Sedusa. Bentley sat down and looked at Maine.

Maine let go of the leaf and it fell on top of Bentley'a face. Bentley gulped as Maine jumped down. The brunette stared into Bentley's eyes as his green tattoos finally showed. They wasn't lime green like Python's but a dark shade. The triangle tattoos reminded him of Bast eyes, the dark green. Bentley scrambled back some.

"Why doesn't Ethan have the triangle tattoos?" Bentley asked.

The triangles only show when you have powers.

"What kind of powers do you have?"

I can reflect any attack from magical power. You can't read my mind, Bast can't shapeshift into me, Python can't use his snakes against me. Magic can't kill, touch or even be near me.

Bentley flinched as Maine poked his chest. His head felt like it wanted to explode. Bentley clenched the side of his head as he breathed heavy. Maine pulled away his hand, once he did Bentley head felt safe. Bentley closed his eyes, feeling his brain melting but then slowly forming back together.

I could kill you but I know how to control my powers.

"You touched my hair before. I never felt my brain melting."

Maine smiled, Control. Not all villain kids are bad. Python, Jian, and you guys. We just have something that normal people don't.

Bentley gulped but looked away. Maine touched his arm, Bentley waited for his brain to explode but instead a warm tingle went through. Bentley looked over at Maine. How was his brain not in pain before? Bentley looked down and noticed something glowed around Maine's hand, like glitter. Bentley looked back at Maine and narrowed his eyes.

I can teach you to control your powers.

Bentley stood up, "I need to sleep on it. I'll . . . I need to sleep on it."
Maine nodded, Bentley gave Maine a small smile then flew back home. He didn't notice Bj holding dufflebags or Benjamin running out of the house. Instead Bentley crashed into both of them. He groaned as they landed against the house. Benjamin cursed colorful words as Bj mumbled nonsense in Spanish. Bentley sat up as he rubbed his head.

"Dude, you need to cut your hair. It's seriously messing with your vision." Bj groaned.

"I am not cutting my hair! It's the only way to tell Olly and me apart." Bentley snapped.

"Bartholomew has a blue streaks in his hair now. I think we can yell you apart, hate to say it but I agree with Bj." Benjamin said.

Bentley rolled his eyes, "Alrighy whatever. Are Olly and Python inside?"

"Yup. Boomer is trying to give them the sex talk." Benjamin said.

Bentley snorted but Bj face then a bright red. The two boys looked over at Bj, who grabbed his bright yellow rainboots. Bentley raised his eyebrow but he already knew what happened. Bj thought about it, which made Bentley embarrass.

"What happened with you? Are you okay?" Benjamin asked.

"His mom gave him the talk." Bentley said.

"Gross." Benjamin mumbled. "Thank God I don't like anybody."

"I agree." Bentley said.

Bj raised his hands, "I won't do anything nasty. Mom just caught Sam and I . . . urm, kinda having a moment."

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