Chapter 31 (Bentley)

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Bentley groaned as he looked around. He saw a large building separating them, he jumped up but his arm light up in pain. He look over and his right arm twisted in the wrong way. Bentley grumbled as he ripped his shirt, making a terrible cast. Bentley looked over and Maine rushed over, grabbing his face.

You're arm is broken! We need to get you help.

"I'm fine Maine. Right now we need to worry about this war." Bentley said.

Maine frowned as he reached out to touch Bentley's arm. Bentley looked at him, their eyes locked. Maine looked down as he pulled his hand away. Bentley blinked a couple of times but with his free hand he grabbed Maine's chin.

Bentley has no idea what he is doing. He never felt any type of attraction to anyone before. He still felt off about it. He still feels violated that Madison kissed him. But something sparked between him and Maine. Bentley didn't know how to control it or didn't know if this makes him gay. He didn't want to take away Bartholomew's thing but he didn't want to think. So instead thinking Bentley did something that actually feels right.

He kissed Maine.

Bentley pulled away, his heart racing and mind blank. Maine face beet red as he touched his lips. Bentley laughed as he watched Maine expression. Maine narrowed his eyes and punched his arm. Maine smiled as he turned away. Bentley opened his mouth but something wrapped around his neck. Bentley screamed but Maine didn't turn around.

Bentley grabbed the thing and kicked Maine's side. Maine jumped, Bentley prayed that he didn't bruise him, and Maine grabbed Bentley's ankle but Bentley was yanked away. Maine got up and try to catch up with Bentley. Bentley moved around trying to make himsf free. But fingernails rake along his cheek.

"So you rather kiss little deaf boys than me?" A voice hissed.

"Madison?" Bentley asked.

"Thank goodness you're smart! But I can't believe that you're a fag like your weirdo brother."

Bentley growled as he elbowed Madison. Madison gasped as he stratched his face. Maine threw something, hitting both Madison and Bentley. Madison grip tighten on Bentley, Maine raised his hand as he narrowed his eyes.

Let him go, Madison! Or I'll show you what hell really is.

Madison laughed, "Come on Maine. You wouldn't dare hurt Bentley, now would you? Python and you both are cowards!"

Maine didn't blink or flinched. His eyes stared into Bentley's. Maine was asking permission, he was asking if he could use his powers knowing that it could kill Bentley. Bentley nodded.

Then it happened in a second. Searing pain that made Madison and Bentley scream. Maine refused to stop, with tears running down his face, until Madison let Bentley go. Bentley's head felt as if it was going to explode. His bidy turned sluggish and Madison let him go. Bentley gasped as he felt himself falling down.


Maine grabbed Bentley arms but his face twisted in pain. Bentley saw Madison smirk as the two teens boys fell down to the Earth. Bentley hugged Maine, feeling blood cover his arms. Maine just laid on Bentley breathing slowly. Bentley took the fall and groaned as his back bruised with the ground. He sat up, not caring his broken arm hurts all he cared about is Maine. Bentley checked Maine's face but saw his eyes.

I'm sorry.

"What? Why are you sorry? You just got stabbed because of me!"

I kissed you. I know that you're asexual and I kissed you. I'm a terrible best friend.

Bentley blinked, "Swriously? Maine . . . I kissed you but you shouldn't be sorry at all! Now you're going to die because of me."

Maine gave a small smile as he slowly moved his hand to touch Bentley's face. Bentley didn't move, he couldn't. He saw the life slowly leave Maine's eyes, he slowly heard Maine's thoughts leave his mind. Bentley leaned down and pressed their foreheads together. Maine tapped Bentley's cheek.

I did the most cliche thing. I fell in love with my best friend.

"But why? You could've fallen for anyone. Why me?"

Your hair. You reminded me of my favorite fairy tale, Rapunzel. I hope it will always stay long.

Bentley eyes clouded with tears as he tried to hear Maine's voice again. Maine tapped stop and his hand dropped next to him. Then the smallest voice, Bentley held his breath.

You will always be my best friend and I will always love you.

"Please don't leave me. Please, Maine. I need you."

Make me one promise.


Please keep your long hair, for me.

Bentley nodded, knowing he couldn't speak. He lifted his head and stared into Maine's eyes. Maine smiled as he  briught both his hands together. Bentley blinked away the tears as he watched Maine interlock his two pointing fingers. Friendship. Bentley gulped and leaned down. He gave Maine one last kiss, sparks flew around and Bentley felt something.

He knew this bond. He seen it with Bartholomew and Python, he seen it with Bj and Sam. He found his soulmate and now hr was going to lose him. Bentley pulled away, Maine eyes closed but a smile stayed until his heart stopped.

"You will always be my best friend and soul mate. I can't wait to see again." He whispered.

Bentley keep his broke arm on Maine's stomach. His eyes refused to leave Maine's face. He wanted to see his eyes open again. He wanted to hear Maine's voice again. He needed Maine back. Maine is his best friend, he's quiet to the loud minds of the world.

"I always hoped I would be the one to kill Maine." Madison said.

Bentley glared as he grabbed his weapon, changing it into a shotgun.

"Leave." Bentley said.

"I still don't know why you would enjoy a kiss from him then me."

"Madison, I'm warning you. I am no longer patient to killers."

"Oh yeah? Prove it."

A loud gunshot went through the air. Bentley heard a gasp and rocks moved. Bentley closed his eyes as he dropped his weapon. He grabbed Maine's hand.

"I'll be right back, I promise."

Heyyo Guyys!!!!!!!!!!!

What we thinkks??? Bentley??? Maine??? Bentley killing Madison??? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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