Chapter 22 (Bartholomew)

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Bartholomew stood on his tippie toes as he wrapped his arms around Python's shoulder. Python smiled as they pressed their foreheads together. Python grabbed Bartholomew's legs and lifted him up, Bartholomew wrapped his legs around Python's waist. Python smiled at Bartholomew, who played with his hair. Bartholomew tangled his fingers in Python's hair. Python kissed Bartholomew's cheek.

Bartholomew face redden, "Oh my grilled cheese!"

"What?" Python asked.

Bartholomew untangled his hands from Python's hair and cupped the others face. Python raised his eyebrow as Bartholomew squished his cheeks.

"You kissed me on my cheek! That's our first kiss!" Bartholomew yelled.

"What?" Pythob mumbled but his face turn bright red. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean too."

"Why are you apologizing? Python do you know what this means?"

"Nope but I know you'll tell me."

"Okay, I always wanted a tumblr relationship and there's these fanart of couples kissing. Like forehead, cheek, nose or lips. Python you're giving me the perfect tumblr relationship!"

"But we just got back together. How am I giving you the perfect relationship?"

Bartholomew giggled as he kissed Python's forehead. They didn't notice a camera clicking. Python smiled but still confusion written across his face. Bartholomew pushed back Python's fringe.

"Python, not every relationship is going to be perfect and I know we'll have more rocky moments. You're giving me my idea of a tumblr relationship and I love that. I think you're amazing, I love Pegasus who gives me kisses, which I know you give them to me, I also love that no matter how crazy I get you stay by my side. Your smile makes knees weak, your tattoos are amazing and you make the best grilled cheese!" Bartholomew said.

Python cheeks turn red.

"But most importantly I know that we'll be each other forever." He said.

Python smiled and buried his head in Bartholomew's chest. Bartholomew laughed, making Python smile at the sound. Bartholomew laid his forehead ontop of Python's head. Python's hair smelled like fresh berries, and Bartholomew loved smelling his hair.

Python lifted his head, making Bartholomew whine, Python turned around. Bartholomew gripped on Python tighter, and the Python placed the blonde on the railing of the porch. Bartholomew raised his eyebrow as Python lifted his hand. Bartholomew watched Python and a small snake formed. The snake was colored blue with white dots. The snake looked at Bartholomew then slithered to the blondes wrist. Bartholomew took in a deep breath but the snake frozen around his wrist.

"It may not be the greatest gift from an significant other but it will protect you. I promise it will." Python said.

Bartholomew smiled, "I love it! Besides I told you, I love your snake making powers."

Python laughed. Bartholomew grabbed his face and brought Python closer. Python raised his eyebrow but then Bartholomew licked Python's face. Python laughed as he pulled away, he kept his hands on Bartholomew's waist, Bartholomew smirked.

"That's the fifth time this week." Python said.

"Yeah so? I can't help it! I love your skin." Bartholomew said.

"I love your face."

"Stop being so romantic! I can't keep up!"

Python smiled as Bartholomew punched his chest lightly to every word. They leaned closer, as if they needed to become one. Python wrapped his arms around Bartholomew and pulled him closer. Bartholomew pressed their noses together and the two smiled, making Bartholomew giggled.

"Alright, time to come inside. Python you gotta head home." Boomer said.

Bartholomew groaned, "Dad! You promised you wouldn't spy anymore."

"You also promised you'll do the dishes. When Bentley comes home he'll help you." Boomer said then walked inside.

"Fine." Bartholomew said. "Promise you'll come back tomorrow."

"Cross my heart. I'll be here to pick you for school." Python whispered.

"Will you also bring me breakfast?"

"Of course! I can't let you starve. " Python said but smirker. "Besides, I love your butt. It's been getting bigger, I love it."

"That's not the only thing that's getting bigger! My stomach is starting to poke out!"

"And that's a bad thing because? I love tracing your stretch marks."

Bartholomew smirked, "You can trace the stretch marks on my ass. I won't mind."

"Naughty boy."

Bartholomew shrugged but a knock on the window made them groan. Python kissed Bartholomew's cheek. Bartholomew giggled as he jumped off the railing. He grabbed Python's hand and brought him to the wooden steps. Python smiled and turned to go home.

"Wait." Bartholomew said.

Python turned.

Bartholomew jumped off the stairs then stood on his tippie toes. He licked Python's face. Python rolled his eyes and poked Bartholomew's nose. Bartholomew smiled and walked back inside. He had a huge smile on his face and skipped to the kitchen.

He saw Benjamin standing infront of thr fridge, mumbling to himself. Bartholomew thought his new gauge in his left ear was hurting him. But Benjamin jumped when he saw Bartholomew. Benjamin tapped his forehead, Bartholomew looked down and noticed Benjamin's left hand was beet red. Bartholomew thought he stuck his hand in boiling oil, but smoke came from his palms then little fires. Benjamin looked at his hands and ran towards the sink, he threw his hand in the fish water. Steam raised up and Bartholomew leaned against the fridge.

"Are you okay? You're acting weird, and trust me I know weird." Bartholomew said.

"That Maine kid is stuck in my brain. He looked so worried about Bentley." Benjamin said.

"Maybe Bentley is dating him! Oh my gosh, I knew he liked someone! Beatrix owes me ten bucks."

"I don't think that it. Personally I think they're just friends. But something is up."

"Man, now I owe her ten bucks."

"Bast was right about Apollo! Dude, I'm a terrible leader."

Bartholomew raised his eyebrow. Benjamin took his hand out of the water and walked away. Bartholomew threw his hands in the air then walked to the sink. He looked at the water and pressed his lips, the heat from the water made him sweat. He walked away and towards the living room.

"Where did you get the bracelet?" Bast asked.

"Python. Gosh, he's so amazing. I can't believe he's my soul mate! Let me tell you, I'm blessed!" Bartholomew said.

"Totally," Beatrix said. "Also Python calls you his life."

"What?" Bartholomew asked.

Beatrix pointed to the snake bracelet, "The French word. It means life, Camilla taught me it. She called me that in her sleep."

"She sleep talks in French?" Bast asked.

Beatrix nodded. Bartholomew looked at the bracelet and sighed happily. He sat on the floot and touched the bracelet. He felt the happiest boy in the world, he knew Python is the sweetest guy in his own way. Bartholomew looked up at the ceiling, tracing the snake bracelet.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!

What we thinkks???? Bartholomew???? Python??? Benjamin??? What's gonna happen next???? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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