Chapter 26 (All)

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Bentley looked out in the halls as Maine kept his hand on Bentley's shirt. Bentley is the ears of the two but he didn't mind. Somehow the two are connected, not in a romantic sense but as brothers. Maine trusts Bentley with his life and Bentley trusts Maine with his life. The two worked as one, they both knew that one wrong move could kill them both. Yet that didn't bring fear to them instead they gave each other goofy smiles and ran.

Level ones can't use weapons, their powers are unstable. They need prove themselves for a weapon. Maine thought.

Bentley nodded, he grabbed Maine's hand and the two lifted off the ground. Maine couldn't fly but he trust Bentley. Bentley lifted them towards the ceiling, because he knew that if they do get caught he would have the upper hand. He flew towards the next door as Maine looked out. Finally Bentley saw the exit. Bentley mismatched blue eyes looked forward, smiling as he flew forward but something wrapprd around his ankle.

He gasped as he crashed into the ground. A giggle made him turn around and he saw Madison standing above him. Maine threw his hand in front of Bentley, glaring at her. Madison hissed as the whip in her hand started to burn. Bentley felt his forehead started to burn but not to much where he could scream. He notice Maine's hand turning a pale with something glimmering around it.

"Do you know how easy it was to trick you? All I had to think that Benjamin was hot and I knew you would blabber it to him. But Benjamin is harder making to catch, he knows how villains work because he grew up with one. So you're the next choice, Sedusa wants to spare you." Madison said. "That's a high honor."

"I don't care! I'm not leaving my family's behind." Bentley said.

"Seriously? Doesn't it get tiring reading their minds all the time? I mean you must be annoyed. Hearing Beatrix being a boring drag, Bj in love with a tranny, Benjamin always hating himself, Bartholomew being a nasty homo and Bast always talking about helping others. Bentley we can help you, we can teach you to control your powers." Madison said.

Dont fall for it, Bentley. She's trying psyche you out.

"I can help you, Benny." Madison purred.

Bentley eyes widened, already disgusted by her. His teeth clench as he thought what she said about his family. Calling Bartholomew a nasty homo, saying horrible things about his cousins. Madison stepped forward as Bentley reached for his knife, Katoptris, and took in a deel breath.

Maine pushed him into the wall as the whip struck between them. Bentley looked at Maine, who was standing up. Maine pointed the door and Bentley nodded. He jumped up, grabbed Maine's arm and flew out the door. He heard Madison yelling out his name and he flew faster, letting out some colorful words. He didn't see where he's going and crashed into someone. Bj and Benjamin groaned as Bentley and Maine landed ontop of them.

"You're alive!" Bartholomew yelled as he ran towards his twin.

Watch out! Maine yelled.

Bentley looked up and saw a whip coming towards them. He tried to warn Bartholomew but something wrapped around his mouth. A snake appeared in front of the whip, taking the blow. Bartholomew blinked and looked back Python who was making more snakes float around him. Bartholomew felt drool coming out his mouth, he slapped himself.

"No gay thoughts. Stay down, gotta help my family." Bartholomew muttered to himself.

Python started to throw snakes at Madison, who was hitting them with her whip. Benjamin srood next to Python's side and made ice arrows then started to show them as Madison. Beatrix rushed over to Bentley and tried to take off the whip around Bentley's mouth. Bast and Bj covered the teens from incoming attacks. Bartholomew created a sand twister, covering them from the back.

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