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//Hey guys. I know my story is kinda boring but I wanted to introduce the other characters of the story and a littlebit of your feelings towards Wyatt... or that was the idea. If you have anny suggestions please tell me, I feel like this is not good enough.//

Your POV

I'd been really fucking mad at Wyatt for almost two weeks. We couldn't talk or ever look at each other without wanting to kill each other. But one day Wyatt decided to break the silence.

He was organizing his clothes and apparently his life... he came to me and smiled.

-"Hey princess... eh... I'm sorry. I was an asshole but I was just... fighting for my friend."

-"Fighting for your friend? The one that you'd met that SAME day or the one you've met since school? Because apparently the first one was
the most important... but you know what? It's okay. I'm glad you told me what you really think about me. I never thought you'd say how ugly I am or how annoying I am so... thanks for that. I already know that I'm ugly and as you live with me you know that I never look pretty because I never sleep. I have fucking nightmares every night and the bags under my eyes are bigger than my boobs. I also know I'm annoying as hell and I really felt mad at myself for being like this... not mad at you. And YES I'M JEALOUS BECAUSE SAMANTHA IS EVERYTHING I'M NOT AND YOU LOOK SO FUCKING HAPPY WITH HER... I kept finding things wrong with me and... I'm sorry Wyatt."

I started crying and shaking but then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

- "Y/n I understand... you've got reasons to be mad at me but in these two weeks I've realized that you're one of the most important parts in my life, and you make it waaay better. You're already perfect and you don't need any make up, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life. You are perfect Y/n. I was mad and I said the first things that came to my mind. And well... Sam, she makes me happy because she's my friend and she's nice but she's not as important as you are. Y/n you deserve the whole world. You are amazing."

He wiped my tears with his thumb and I gestured him to sit down next to me. When he did, he looked in my eyes and smiled.

-"But people always say that when you're mad you tend to say the truth, you say whatever you feel for someone."

-"Not in this case, I'm telling you the truth and there's nothing that can make me change my mind."

I smiled and looked down, my hands were shaking and I could feel the blood in my cheeks making me blush. I couldn't feel anything for him. He was my best friend but I knew he liked Samantha, his eyes always shined when he was around her. Anyone who saw them would ask if they were dating or something like that.
He loved when people asked that and he always answered that he'd like to date her, then they'd laugh and continue their lives like nothing had happened.
Wy snapped me out of my thoughts and took some random object from his pocket.

-"Princess, can you hold something for me?"

I nodded and then felt his warm hand taking mine. It was an amazing feeling but I was supposed to be mad at him... not in love with that asshole.

-"Wy? What are you doing?"

-"I'm holding your hand... Y/n I like you. I've liked you for a couple years now but I couldn't find the moment to tell you... d-do you like me back?"

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

-"Well I actually do but I don't want to... you flirt with me in a second and in the other one you're winking at Samantha, then you end up being mad at me and then smiling, you hug me and then yell... what do you want me to think? That I'll be happy with you? Wy I've known all your girlfriends and the relationships never ended well. You broke everyone's hearts, I'm afraid that will happen to me.
I also know that Samantha is in love with you and I can't be with you if I know that someone else likes you, especially when your eyes shine whenever you're with her, how your smile gets bigger and your cheeks turn an amazing and cute pink. I'd love to see you doing that for me but I don't.
As much as I like you, I know that I won't make you happy. I'll be happy as long as you're happy. Go and be with her, you know you like her."

I stood up and ran to Jaeden's room.
As soon as I got there I started crying in his arms, I couldn't stop and he held me close, he made me feel like I wasn't alone.

-"He doesn't deserve you. You did the right thing to protect your heart."

//How bad was it?//

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