Not forgotten

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We stood up and approached the doctor. He told us that Y/n was stable, he had removed her floating ribs and had to screw her false ribs together. She couldn't go back to school in a while. She'd probably be able to go back home the following week because her lungs hadn't been punctured, she was very lucky. She just couldn't move too much or have "sexual intercourse" as the doctor said.

-"I'm guessing the three of you want to see her. You can go in her room one by one."

Yes, he said we were three. And we weren't. I was SURE that me and Jaden were the only ones there. But boy, I was wrong. I turned around and the old man with green eyes that Y/n had always seen in her dreams stood right behind me. He had been her biggest fear for years. She always dreamt of him, murdering all of us.

-"You mean two. We don't know that man. And I know my girlfriend doesn't either."

-"I've known her for longer than you. I gifted her the visions. You know what I'm talking about. And you probably know what will happen to all of you."

I froze and remembered what Y/n told me. There had to be a way to get rid of him... even if I had to kill him with my bare hands.

-"I don't know what's happening but, Mr Oleff... you can go visit her first. She wanted to see you."

I nodded, thanked the doctor and proceeded to walk to my girlfriend's room. I really wanted to see her, but at the same time... I didn't want to. I didn't want to see her in pain, I didn't want to see her cuts and bruises. It hurt me to see her suffering.

I walked through that door and saw her. She was sitting on the bed with a cast that wrapped her torso. She faced the window and all I could see was her back, but I immediately knew that she was crying. I could hear her light sobs from the door, and I tried to be strong for both of us but failed. My eyes watered and a tear ran down my cheek before I could even see her face.

-"Hey princess." I said as I walked around the hospital bed and faced her. There, I saw her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and very puffy,  she had several bruices and cuts all over her. I also saw her cast, it started just under her boobs and ended above her hips. I sat in front of her and tried to smile.

-"Hey... handsome. I'm glad you're alive." She said making me chuckle. She smiled lightly and took my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine.

-"You stole my line you bastard. But, I'm glad you're alive as well. I thought you were gone... I really did. And I'm sorry... I should've paid attention to you and I should've kept Samantha away. You have always been my priority, my princess, but for some strange reason, I pushed you away and let some random stranger into our lives. I'm sorry."

What are you afraid of? (Wyatt Oleff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now