Try to breathe

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Wyatt looked at me with a concerned look on his face, I knew he wanted to help me but he was afraid too.

-"Wyatt, dear! Come in! I want you to enjoy your little girlfriend's pain for a while, I know you don't wanna do it but you've got no choice in this situation!"

I looked at Wyatt and shook my head as cold tears rolled down my cheeks, I didn't want him to see me like that. All of the sudden, my vision blurred, I tried to take my last breath and then... dark.



I yelled as I felt tears build in my eyes. In just a second I heard a loud bang and Y/n was laying on the floor.

-"That was just a warning. I want her to go to the lake by night... you can accompany her if you wish, you can bring as many people you want, but she has to show up there. Otherwise, I'll come here for her and torture her until her heart stops beating... and you won't do anything to avoid it, because you won't be able to find her. Got it?"

I nodded and picked Y/n up, her neck was bruised and there was blood coming out of her mouth; I kissed her forehead and looked at the monster.

-"Leave. NOW!"

It nodded and got out through the little bathroom window like a spider.

I held Y'n close and placed her on our bed, she wasn't breathing propperly... I could feel it.


I cried and started throwing every single thing I found. I wanted to help her, protect her... but I couldn't. She was my everything and it hurt me seeing her like this, all I wanted was her happiness but she was trapped in that crazy thing that threatened her life every second.
I hit the walls with my fists, I could see my my bones creeping out from my knuckles and blood dripping everywhere.


I heard Jae yelling at me but I was blinded, my anger controlled my body.

-"Wyatt don't do this to yourself, Y/n needs you... please."

Lilia's sweet voice was heard in the room and I immediately stopped as I heard Y/n's name. I turned around and saw Jaeden, Finn and Jack pulling me away from the wall; Lilia was next to Y/n and Sam was resting her body on the door frame.

-"Wyatt... what happened?" Jaeden asked calmly.

I explained everything and all of them wanted to help, even Sam.


After a few minutes, I heard a really soft voice calling my name. I looked around and saw Y/n sitting down on the bed.

-"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." She said woth tears in her beautiful eyes.

-"hey, don't steal my line you little thief!" I smiled and wiped her tears away.

She wrapped her hands around my neck and hugged me tightly, I could hear her breathing and feel her heart beat. She was my world, my whole life and I couldn't see her suffer.

-"It hurt you... didn't it?"

I shook my head and told her what had happened.

-"I'm going there alone, I can't risk your life like that. I don't care if I get hurt... I don't want you to see me like that and to do such heroic effort for me, I swear I'll come back. Just promise me that you won't eat all my chips before I do."

What are you afraid of? (Wyatt Oleff X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя