The prove

407 14 23

I pressed the screen of my watch and "The words" by Christina Perry started playing from a speaker nearby.

-"Wanna dance?"

I smiled again and pulled my hand out of my pocket and Y/n placed hers on it. We started dancing slowly and she rested her head on my shoulder. I couldn't be happier... I was ready to tell her how I really felt; I knew we'd been dating for such a short time but I'd known her for most of my life and I knew how I felt, how strong it was.

Once the song finished I looked right into her eyes and said it.

-"I love you. I really do."

Right after I finished talking the lights went out and someone screamed, it wasn't me, nor Y/n but we knew that something weird was happening.

-"HELP MEEEEEE! PLEASE!" A terrified feminine voice yelled.

I started walking towards the voice but Y/n stopped me.

-"We have to get out of here. That's not human. I'm sure. I've heard it, in the nightmares. There's a creature that is completely skinless but covers it's body with rotten human skin, it may look like a human but it has no eyes or nose, just a huge mouth that can replicate any sound just to catch your attention... once it does, it'll use the skin that it's wearing to simulate the one who's asking for help, then after it catches you it will perform a slow and extremely painful skinning; while it's doing that it will memorize how you scream and ask for help, to use it later with their next victim. After that, you'll be it's lunch for about two days."

-"H-how do you know all this? Babe why haven't you said anything about something like this?"

-"Because I've lived it many times. It was terrifying at first but then I realized that it's just a dream, but apparently this is not. We gotta run before something bad happens."

I heard a movement in a tree nearby and started running for my life when those faceless creatures started chasing after us, we could hear them screaming right behind us. We got to the car and locked it; as we backed up we saw that those creepy ass monsters weren't able to get out of the woods.

-"SHIT! What the fuck did just happened?" I asked concerned as I drove back home.

-"Okay, I think I'm nit just dreaming. I'm actually seeing real things that are somehow hidden in that lil forest or my own mind is creating them."

-"But how the hell do you know what those monsters do?"

-"Eh... I've lived it. Like I've confronted those things and they've killed me so many times that I just know their attacks by memory. And it's funny because sometimes in the nightmare I just let them kill me because I know that if they kill me I'll be able to actually rest that night. But there's other days or other monsters that instead of killing at the moment, they just torture you... those are the nights that make me remember how real it is because I actually wake up with scars and injuries all over my body."

I pulled over and looked at her, then I grabbed her hands and kissed her knuckles.

-" I love you too. After that I never got the time to say it but yeah. I love you too, Wyatt."

I smiled and felt the butterflies on my stomach. Then I looked around and saw some leaves moving so fucking fast. I knew that there was another thing out there and I had to make sure that Y/n knew that I was always going to protect her.

-"Babe. I won't let any of those fucking monsters hurt you. Okay? I'm here with you. Always."

She nodded and smiled. But it didn't last long; her smile faded and her hands started shaking.

-"Wyatt drive. Right NOW."

I turned around and saw a skinny ass lizard looking creature, completely bald, it had two pitch black wholes as eyes and blood all over its body. That thing knocked on the glass and something liquid was coming out of it's eyes.


I started driving as fast as the traffic moved and got to our building safely.

-"Babe and what does this creature do?" I said as I opened Y/n's door and helped her to get out.

She hugged me and sighed.

-"It shoots venom from it's eyes. Babe let's just get back in. Please. I think there are more things out here."

We started walking towards the elevator and when we got to our room, we saw the whole group in there. Jaeden, Chosen, Jeremy, Finn, Jack and Sophia.

-"How was the daaaaaate?" Jack asked happily.

-"It was nice. The only problem was that some... things wanted to kill us." Y/n said smiling.

-"So funny. Now tell us the truth. What happened?" Sophia said with a really annoyed tone.

-"It's true. We were walking and some weird faceless animal or thing started chasing after us. I know it sounds crazy and to be honest I didn't believe what Y/n said at first... she knew that fucking thing was coming and she was damn right. And if you guys don't trust me, you can go where that thing attacked us at the forest next week. Well knowing it's winter break and I have to stay here. What do you say?"

When I finished talking I saw some dropped yaws and some of them were about to start talking but nothing came out of their mouths.
Then I looked at Y/n and smiled.

-"I'll stay here too. I have nowhere to go so... I'M DOWN!" She laughed.

I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

-"I'll stay here too, at my mom's place and I'll be there with my girlfriend. Maybe you can stay there... I mean, my mom won't be here because she had go to work somewhere else. Who else is going to stay here?" Jae said as he looked around.

-"Us!" Jack said as he held Finn's hand.

I nodded and looked at them. Then I looked over to Soph, Jeremy and Chosen and they just shook their heads.

//Okay this chapter was a bit weird but yeah... I had to upload something annnnd yeah guys happy 2018.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700 READS!!!! I know it isn't much but yeah... :)//

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