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//Okay guys let me start with this. I'm sorry. Ik I don't update as much as I should, Ik this story is not that great, Ik my grammar is not perfect I have a shitload of typos, Ik I'm not as descriptive as I should and I also know that this story has no future so... yeah. Sorry for that.//


I had been dating Wy for a week and I wouldn't be happier. He was the most wonderful and most caring guy in the world... it felt fucking amazing.

-"Okay babe, I want you to get ready. We're going to have a date at 8... well if you want to. Of course." Wy said as he sat in front or me.

-"Do I have to wash my hair?" I asked as I looked at my hair with my front camera.

-"If you want to but I think you look perfect like that. Oh I have a surprise for you! I picked you an outfit that hopefully you'll like. I chose it based on what I've seen you in. Long sleeves, eh... dark colors. I spent like three hours looking for it yesterday." He chuckled.

-"Wy you're so sweet!" I smiled widely, "I'm sure I'll love it. You know me even more than I do." I walked over to him and kissed his cheek, "thank you so much."

-"There's no need to thank me Y/n, you know I'd do anything for you. Now go to the closet and take the clothes. I'll be at Finn's getting ready. Okay?" I nodded and smiled again.

-"See ya noodle boy!"

He walked out of the room and I immediately ran to the closet, just to find the prettiest outfit I'd ever owned in my life.
It was a maroon, cropped sweatshirt which had my last name written on each sleeve in an amazing, golden, goth typography. Then there were some mom jeans with black mesh tights that looked amazing under it and some black combat boots with golden laces.


As soon as I got the clothes on I did my classic messy bun and a really natural make up. You know; foundation, blush, bronzer, highlighter and cat eyeliner. It felt really nice, because the last time I got ready for something special or got ready at all had been for prom. Damn, that was a long time ago.

When I finished getting ready I looked at the mirror and realized that all the problems were really affecting me, I looked tired and waaay too skinny, maybe two years before that happened I would have loved to look that skinny but... it's not really healthy to see the bones through your skin.

At that moment someone knocked the door and I could tell it was not Wyatt.

-"Your boyfriend sent me to pick you up miss." Jack said as I opened the door, "DAMN GURRRRL! You look amazing! Don't tell Finn about this but I might be a little bit jealous because holly shit Oleff won the lottery with such a beauty."

I laughed and walked down the hall with him, it was really nice to have him as my friend, I'd always seen him as, Wyatt's friend and I felt like the leftovers of the group... but I realized I was blending in pretty good.

-"You look... amazing." I heard a familiar voice talking to me.

I turned around and saw Wyatt, standing there with the biggest smile I'd ever seen in my life. He was also wearing a maroon hoodie with his last name, some black jeans and converse. He walked over to me and pecked my lips.

-"You look amazing."

-"So do you." I said as I grabbed his hand tightly and smiled.

-"Look at you! So cute!" Finn said to us just before wrapping his arms around Jack and kissing his jawline. And THAT was actually the cutest thing.

-"Okay love birds, let's talk about some serious stuff right now. Oleff, you have to treat her like the princess the is, you cannot hurt her, if a single tear comes out of her beautiful eyes you'll pay... okay? I know you can treat her like she deserves. You better do." Jaeden stated as he walked to Wyatt, "please be careful."

-"You can trust him, Jae. I'm sure you can. And it's just a date... not like we're getting married or something like that." I giggled and hugged Jae, "thanks for caring, buddy."

-"Okay beautiful. This is kinda cheesy now thanks to Lieberher. Sooo let's go." Wy added and pulled me.


-"We're here!" Wy stated as he helped me to get out of the car, "It's simple but I thought you'd like it."

I looked up and saw a path of lights that went into the woods, it was really pretty. I was completely speechless, but I know that my smile showed that I loved it.

-"I remember that we met each other twelve years ago at the woods. You were lost, and I... I was just walking there. You came up to me and asked for help. So I took your hand and started walking back to my house, or at least that's what we thought... some hours after that we realized that we were so fucking lost." Wyatt laughed and continued talking as we walked into the path while we held hands, "you slapped me and said that I was a jerk but you refused to stay away from me because you insisted that we needed each other to survive and find the way out of that place."

-"When we found the exit, you hugged me tight and said that we would always need each other to survive, even if we were far away, we knew that we could trust and that there would be someone out there ready to help whenever we needed it. I never felt alone anymore, cause you were always there for me when I needed you the most."

Wyatt made me shut up when he caressed my cheeks and pressed a soft kiss on my lips.

-"I was right. I need you to stay alive. You've always been with me and you've helped me with... everything."

What are you afraid of? (Wyatt Oleff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now