What a surprise

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Some hours after the previous chapter.

It was now sunday what meant that none of us had any classes that day, we could do whatever the fuck we wanted and we were just chillin' on a couch at 3am watching how to train your dragon 2. (It's one of my favorite non disney/ animated movies so yeah. Now you guys know.)

Y/n was sitting on my lap, Jae was right next to us and then there was Chosen; the others were just sitting on the floor, at the kitchen or peeing.

I looked at Y/n and she was definitely falling asleep... I knew she loved the movie but she was just too tired after... well... after we almost died at the woods.

-"Y/n. Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to bed?" I asked as I caressed her cheek.

-"Please noodle kiddo. I wouldn't be moooooore thankful. But you know I can't sleep well."

-"I'll be there with you. That helps you sleep better most of the time... annnd we already had a traumatic experience earlier, I don't think you need seeing those monsters again."

I picked her up and placed her on her bed. As soon as she got under the covers I looked back at everyone else.

-"Okay, everyone out, back to your own rooms. Y/n is tired and we all know that she really needs to rest. So I guess I'll see you guys in the morning."

Everyone got up, well except Jack, he was already asleep so Finn had to pick him up and take him "home" I guess that's how we can call the dorm room.

I turned the tv off and laid down next to Y/n. I took my phone which had been charging for a while. I unlocked it and saw ten messages of someone I wasn't really expecting... Sam.


Yesterday 11:37pm

Hey curls. Wanna hang out?

What do you say?

Today 1:53am


Dude this is serious.

I want to ask you something

What are doing on winter

We should hangout!

And maybe talk or do
something better. Who
knows? ;)

Today 2:59am

Are you alive?


Today 3:35am

Some people sleep you know.

And yeah I'm going to Jaeden's house.

I know you weren't sleeping.
And can I join? Dude I've got
nothing to do with my life.

Who's gonna be there? 

Well of course Jaeden, his girlfriend
Lilia, Finn, Jack, and I'll be with
my girlfriend.

Nice so Y/n isn't going to
be there. She's kinda
annoying tbh.

I mean like she would
be better but she's too

She is my girlfriend...

Dang. Maybe we should
ignore what I just said.

Damn Sam why the fuck
do you treat her like that?
You don't even know her.

She did that to me. She
treated me like shit the
first day she saw me.

I'll talk to Jaeden in the
morning maybe he'll
let me join the team.

Goodnight ramen head!


Read 3:40am

I placed my phone on the side table and wrapped my arms around a cute and sleepy Y/n.

-"Good night princess." I kissed her forehead and fell asleep.

My alarm woke me up at 8:30 in the morning. It had been the first night in months in which Y/n could sleep properly, so I decided to let her sleep while I got ready and got something to eat for both of us.

I got a shower and went to starbucks to get two coffees and croissants.

When I went back to our room Y/n was sitting on her bed, she was wearing an oversized hoodie and had a cute ass messy bun. I could see someone sitting in front of her, it was a girl... but I couldn't tell who it was.

-"Hey! Babe. You're back!" She got up, hugged me and kissed my cheek.

-"Hey. I brought you breakfast... who's that?" I said right before I kissed her, "Is everything okay?"

She nodded and smiled. Then I saw that the one sitting there... Sam?

-"Hey Ramen head!!!!! I thought that I had to talk to Y/n. Maybe to fix our relationship."

-"Sammy. I know what you're doing. I know that you just want Y/n to accept you so you can go to Jaeden's house. Stop fucking trying! I'm sure they'll accept you if you don't go bossing around. Okay? Trust me. Just STOP trying to win my girlfriend."

I took a sip of my coffee and looked at Sam's eyes. There was something wrong and different with her but I wasn't sure about it.

-"Okay. You know I trust you. I just want to be a part of your gang!" She kissed my cheek and walked out of the room.

Y/n was staring at me and gave me a kind of jealous look... I think that's the best way to describe it.

-"Y/n/n it's everything alright?"

-"Yeah. I kinda think we should give her a chance... you know. I mean... I don't like her because she's really into you and that's pretty dangerous and really fucked up. But I also trust you and I know you're not like that.
I'm just trying to say that I will try to get to know her and hopefully get to like her. Because she's your friend and don't want to be like the jealous bitch you know." She smiled and took a bite off the croissant. 

//Okay sooooo.... SAMMY IS BACK!

This chapter is kinda boring because I needed something like an intro for winter break because I have some nice things for Sam in this story. Hopefully it won't be as boring but yeah, I'm giving my best and as always I really hope you guys liked it!

Oh and by the way THIS STORY HAS 941 reads and I'm SO FUCKING PROUD!

Fact: It's 11:11pm where I live so MAKE A WISH!


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