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Still Jaden's POV

We were exhausted. Finn and Jack sat on a couch cuddling, I walked around the room trying to leave my state of shock. And Wyatt, Wyatt was destroyed. He sat down, his face didn't show any emotion at all, but his tears had already burnt his cheeks and if you saw into his eyes, you could see how broken he was, you could see the pain he faced; he was probably repeating what Samantha had done to Y/n.

After ten minutes I remembered that Samantha was still in my trunk and she would probably try to scape. I called the guys but Wyatt didn't move at all. He just repeated Y/n's name about 4 times.

I took Jack, and Finn to the parking lot to talk because we had to take Samantha as far away as we coluld or complain about her at the hospital's front desk. (by complaining I mean crying and saying that that hoe had tried to murder Y/n and possibly rape Wyatt)

Long story short, it worked. The employees called some officers and took her away until we could actually report her and get her to jail.

We left to get some rest and to find some clothes for Y/n. (Finn and Jack had to carry Wyatt to the car because he wouldn't stand up.)

The car ride was weird and kinda sad. My car smelled like blood, Y/n's blood. I tried making the ride a little bit more comfortable by putting some music. I expected something a bit happier to brighten the mood, but instead of that, "The scientist" by Coldplay started playing... and let me tell you. It wasn't beautiful.
Wyatt started going crazy. He kept saying Y/n's name and repeating over and over again that it was his fault, that he'd do anything to go back to the start and avoid what had happened. He also made me turn around so he could stay at the hospital waiting for Y/n to wake up. He wanted to see her and apologize to her.

I stayed at the hospital with him and sent Finn and Jack home so they could rest and hopefully take my car to a car wash because it was fucking disgusting.

Time skip brought to you by my 2 am thoughts


Twelve hours. Twelve hours had happened after the doctors had pulled the only sense of consistency left in my life (it you get that reference... I love you... and I'm so sorry. You can talk to me if you want to)  into the E.R.

Jaden and I had been seated there the whole time and I couldn't sleep a bit. I had to be fully awake in case anything happened.

Everything kept repeating in my mind, Samantha's foot colliding with Y/n's body several times and Y/n's screams that could make you feel as if you were the one being tortured. And me... seated on that chair, seeing how someone who I once trusted drained the life out of the one person I loved the most. It should've been me, I should've done better, I was the one that made Y/n accept the creep that tried to murder her.

It was my fault and there was nothing left to do or say.

Suddenly. I voice pulled me out of my trance. A voice that I had been waiting to hear for the past twelve hours.

"Y/n Y/l/n's family?"

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