Weird trip

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//Sorry, I knew I said that I'd update on sunday and I didn't... I was not inspired at all... sowwwwwwy//


Everyone had packed their stuff and got everything in the cars; I couldn't believe that I wasn't going to be with my babysitters, Chosen and Jeremy -I know that's weird but they're the most responsible and organized ones of the group, they also knew how to calm me down when I got angry because tbh I could be really dangerous.

I hugged them tightly and both of them said the same thing.

- "Take care, Y/n/n. Try not to kill anyone."

I chuckled amd simply nodded right before I felt two arms wrap tightly around me, I thought it was Wyatt but then I saw some cute red locks and saw Soph's beautiful smile.

-"SOPHIEEEEEEE!!!" I said as I smiled and tried to hold my tears.

-"Don't cry babeeeee! I'm not going to die and hopefully you won't either, I just wanted to make sure tha I love you and that I want you to tell you everything that happens between you and noodle with every single detail..." she closed her eyes and cringed, "kay maybe not everything but I want to know what happens between you two. OH and you HAVEEEE to tell me how you feel living with the slut."

I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully.

-"Okay, I'll tell you everything. Try to get your shit together! NOW get in there before you loose your plane!"

I hugged all of them again and saw them walk in the airport.
I turned around and saw my favorite curls waiting for me, he was smiling brightly at me and he just looked toooooo happy.

-"What?" I asked smiling.

-"Nothing! You're just so cute and happy... I love it." He chuckled as I walked closer to him.

I chuckled and shook my head right before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his nose.

-"I'm not cute, Wy. You know it."

He rolled his eyes and kissed me properly.

-"Yeah. Keep thinking that."

We raced to the parking lot while we laughed like maniacs or little kids -I actually think that's the same thing but who cares- we got in Wyatt's car and he opened the door for me because chivalry is not dead ladies and gentlemen! But as the tomboy I am I kept saying that I could do it by my own, but he insisted on doing it because he felt like a "bad boyfriend" if he didn't do it.  

We had our bags in the trunk and we were ready to face whatever destiny had for us, the only thing we knew was that we had each other and all our friends... and we would go together to the end of the world.

We had to go and pick Samantha up right before we went to Jae's place, I really hated having her with us but I just felt like I had to respect her because she was my boyfriend's friend and I wanted Wy to be happy.

-"RAMEN HEAD!!!!!!!!" Samantha said ad she hugged Wyatt tightly, "oh... hey... Y/n. That's your name... right?" I nodded and rolled my eyes, "I thought Wyatt was the only one picking me up."

-"Well that's a problem right there, kiddo." I replied, forcing a smile.

We walked back to the car and she had Wyatt carrying all her bags and her stuff; It was freaking annoying.
But the worst part was when Wyatt opened the passenger's door for me and THAT BITCH SAT DOWN! LIKE WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUCK. I mean, she knew I was sitting there, she looked at me when she got in the car and smiled.

-"Eh... Sam. Can you... pleeeease sit in the back seat?" Wyatt asked awkwardly.

-"Why were you opening the door then?"

-"I have a girlfriend, you already know that! And you should respect her because she was the one reason why you came here, just because she wanted to meet you propperly and she didn't want to push my friends away; but now that I'm actually thinking straight, you shouldn't be here. Now go to the back seat before I kick you out. You're my friend and everything but DAMN can't you see that I love her and I'm so fucking happy with her?"

Samantha nodded and went to the back seat, she caught me looking at her and she just mouthed a little "I'm so sorry" before getting in.

I gave her a weak smile, then kissed Wyatt's cheek and said.

-"Calm down Wy, it's okay. Maybe she'll be able to... support me?" I chuckled.

I got in the car and looked at Wyatt before he closed the door.

-"Trust me, Noodles."

He blew a kiss and closed the door. While he walked to the other side of the car I heard Samantha whispering to herself

-"Damn, what a cute ass Wyatt"

My blood was boiling and I really wanted to pull her head until her head came off but I had to control myself... for Wyatt. That's why I pretended like that never happened.

//Okay. Hey guys! Again, sorry for not updating, I should've updated a while ago and as you can see in this mediocre and boring chapter... it doesn't have that much EFFORT like the others but I really had to do this to connect some things in the next chapters. Ily ~Ana//

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