Unexpected changes

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-"Get in, losers. We're going shopping"

I was in shock, the thing had just ruined everything by trying to be funny somehow?
I turned around and saw Wyatt laughing his head off... fuck.

-"Wait what? You're one of the creepiest things i've ever seen in my life and you quote Regina George?"

-"You should've liked it. It was funny!!!! Even your boyfriend gets it! C'mon we're supposed to be happy! This is the first time we've had... descent humans visit us without running away or trying to shoot us!"


-"Desperate much... okay just get in... master is waiting for you."

We got on the creepy ass boat as fast as we could before something tried to kill us.

-"She's kinda lame... why do you date her???"

-"If you knew her you'd realize how amazing she is."

-"But she's creepier than I am... I think master will be happy to see a man as good looking as you. She loves good curly hair. But if she's not happy with you... I'll be."

I looked at... it? And reached for the knive hidden in my pocket.

-"What did you just say?"

-"That I'd be reeeeeally happy with someone as him... sorry... with him."

-"Oh okay... I hope you know how to fucking SWIM"

I ran to her with the knife in my hand as the boat swung; but then...

-"Come here babe."

Wyatt stopped me a second before I pushed that thing to the water. He took the knife from my hand and saved it in his pocket. He wrapped his arm around my waist and caressed my cheek with his other hand.

-"I came with you, and I'm leaving with you. I won't change you for any master or thing with a robe... I love you and only you... okay?"


I pecked his lips and then smiled.

-"Can I have my knife back now?"

-"Nah... It's mine now."

-"Come onnnn Wy Wy!"

-"Why don't you two shut up and get out of the boat. We're here."

-"We're in the middle of nowhere... what's your problem?"

That thing walked closer to me and grabbed me by my wrist as its nails grew and slowly impaled   me with them. I could see some red orbs looking directly at me through the mask that had been hiding its face the whole fucking time. And in that moment I knew that thing wasn't human.

-"I said leave the fucking boat."

I felt warm blood running down my hand and a huge pain invaded me... but I couldn't let it win... not this time.

-"Make me... hoe."

I lifted my arm making its nails break. The cracking sound echoed all over the lake but I was pretty sure that it wasn't over; I had to kill that thing as soon as I could.

-"Wyatt the knife."

-"But Babe-"


-"No no please... please don't kill me. If you kill me, something else will cone after you and everything will be worse."

I used my bare hand to take that mask off its face and saw something I wasn't expecting at all.

Bugs... just bugs, two red things as eyes and the longest tongue I'd ever seen in my life.
The tongue wrapped around my neck as soon as I took the mask off. It got tighter and tighter in there, I could feel my lungs begging for oxygen. I looked at Wyatt and he did exactly what I had in mind.
He swung the knife and amputated the tongue. It dried out immediately and turned into powder. Then, the bugs separated from each other making the body disappear, leaving the eyes on the robe.

What are you afraid of? (Wyatt Oleff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now