II// Lotus Flower

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Lotus Flower Bomb - Wale (ft.Miguel)

Chapter 2


A week later

It's been a whole week since I have been transferred here.

Silver Creek was a lot different from Crimson Fangs so it took me a while to adjust to how they did things here, but by the third day, I managed to get the hang of things.

Basically, everyone is up to be ready to train at 6 sharp. Which is bizarre compared to my home pack. We only had to get up at 10 to start training. First thing before training,  we are provided with breakfast by some of his pack members who regularly cook and set up meals before we go out into the fields. Then we train for as long as we can handle my main goal trying my hardest to improve their skills out on the field preparing them for any situation. 

Alpha Troy wasn't wrong about them needing to improve their fighting skills. The first session I had with his pack, they needed a lot of work on their defensive moves but then again these werewolves ages 16-19 so they are still freshly shifted wolves. The alpha himself is only 20. He is pretty reserved but we have already developed the respectful alpha-warrior relationship.

We have talked a little bit since I arrived. He would tell me some stories of his pack that he remembered as a young pup. Or inform me of some of the pack rules here.

The reason that Alpha Troy's pack is full of such young people, is because, about 2 years ago, a major war broke out between Blood Moon and Flame Shadows, the largest and most powerful pack as of now, my home pack being the second rank, beneath them.

Long story short, both Alphas have butted heads for the longest, always arguing at big pack meetings. Them being neighboring packs didn't help. So when war broke out, Troy's father had killed Flame Shadows Luna triggering the start of the war between them. The war that no one was prepared for. 

Both alphas had died that day, and the warriors had been wiped out. Leaving only some of the females and the children who were hidden in safe houses. The Luna of the Blood Moon had died a few weeks after, due to her loss of her mate, dying literally of a broken heart. Even when I first walked onto his territory, I could feel the sadness and somber vibe that all of his pack members gave off. They are all young, they had a lot of time to grieve over the death of their families and pack members, but this kind of stuff traumatizes you pretty good. So I can't blame them for not really being able to go back to their normal selves because its hard to forget the stuff that has happened on this soil, the memories don't just fade away, they come back to haunt you and it hurts. It hurts pretty damn bad. 

Troy had to take over the pack as an Alpha at the age of 20, a couple years before his actual official ceremony to take over. And he had to do it all himself since he was pretty new to the Alpha responsibilities. He has expressed many times how much pressure is on him at all times, a pack cannot function without a leader, someone to guide them. They are all pretty dependent on their Alphas, no matter how much they want to deny it. Every pack usually is and its no surprise. Everyone needs that one thing to guide them in the right direction. And Alpha Troy is Silver Creeks is that one thing. 

But now that I am here I can hopefully help take some of the pressure off of him with training his pack and also trying to catch up on alpha paperwork. So he can have time to work on one thing at a time instead of worrying about not finishing a certain task he has he can now focus on one.

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