XII// Punishment

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Rolling - Calvin Harris ft. Future, Khalid

Chapter 12


Waking up in the arms of my mate is the best feeling in the world. I face him as he peacefully sleeps. His long dark hair messily ruffled, his bare chest rising and falling as he evenly breathes, he also holds me tightly as if afraid I would leave. All of these factors making him look adoringly delicious. I shake the naughty thoughts that my wolf fills my head with. And I think about what happens now. Do I pursue my future role of becoming queen? Do I stay here and continue being an alpha of the Flame Shadows?

Flame Shadows. My home, my pack. The one thing I was able to keep alive for my parents. This brings my memory back to the story my father told me about how we got the name Flame Shadows.


10 years ago

"Dad, could we get some ice cream?" I say to my dad as he cruises down the street after picking me up from school.

"Sure thing princess." He looks into the rearview mirror and smiles at me to which I smile back excited to get some ice cream.

On the way there the radio plays some of my favorite songs and I sing loudly to the words not caring if I got some words wrongs or how loud I'm singing.

My dad would join in and soon enough we arrive at the ice cream parlor. I quickly take off my seatbelt and open my door standing by my dad's door, waiting for him to come out. He gets out taking my hand in his and we walk into the parlor together. I run straight to the counter where I see my favorite worker, Lori.

"Hey, Lea! Hello, Alpha." She greets my father and I. My dad politely waves at her saying 'hello.'

She comes out from behind the counter and squats down to my height. I hate the fact that I am a lot smaller than my classmates and I am usually teased about it, but my dad always reassures me that when I am older I will be a lot taller and stronger, now I can't wait to get older.

"Do you want your usual today hun?" Lori asks me and I quickly nod and she chuckles. "Do you want anything today Alpha?" My dad rubs his nonexistent beard and looks over to me as if asking me if he should get anything and I answer for him. "He will get a double scoop vanilla cone with caramel drizzled on top," I say remembering what he always gets when he comes here. And he laughs scooping me up into his arms, placing me on his shoulder. I squeal and laugh along with him.

"Way to remember princess." And I smile triumphantly while Lori smiles and nods walking to the back to make our orders. He walks to one of the booths and sets me down inside. All of a sudden his phone rings, and he takes his phone out and looks at the caller ID. He looks over at me and smiles apologetically, "Sorry princess I have to take this real quick, stay here and wait for Lori to bring you your sundae." I nod and he walks out of the parlor doors speaking to the phone.

Lori doesn't take long to come to our booth with our ice creams. A couple minutes after my dad took his call Lori brings my triple scoop chocolate sundae topped with chocolate syrup and lots of sprinkles, my favorite.

"Where did your father go?" She asks and I point to the window where I see the truck parked and my dad in the front seat still talking on the phone. She nods in understanding and sits down next to me and asks how my day at school was.

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