III// Chocolate Brown Eyes

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I'll Be Missing You - Puff Daddy

Chapter 3


"beep, beep, beep"

Groaning, I roll over to the other side of the bed. Using my fist, I slam down on my alarm clock, apparently a lot harder than I intended to, shattering it to pieces.

'Fuck' I think to myself, now I got to buy ANOTHER damn alarm clock. I sit up and try to fix the rats nest on top of my head also known as my hair and rubbing my hand since I decided to slam my alarm clock forcefully and now my hand is red and covered in pieces. 

I trudge to the bathroom starting my daily morning routine. The first thing I do is slide the glass door to the shower open so that I can turn the water on to let the water warm up before I step inside. Stripping off my night clothes I step into the shower closing the glass door behind me, feeling the warm water cascade down my body. Taking a moment, feeling the warmth of the water wrapping around me, I then grab my body wash and lather my body, making sure to wash every crevice of my body. I grab my conditioner and place a good amount onto my hand, then massaging it into my hair.

Rinsing all of the conditioner and soap off of me I turn the water off and open the shower door letting all of the hot steam flow out, fogging up my mirror. The cool air meets my body and goosebumps start to form so I take my towel off of the hanging rack and wrap it around me.

I step in front of the mirror where it is fogged up. Using my hands to wipe off the fog the first thing I see is my blue eyes, surrounded by dark circles and my pale face. My eyes. A reminder of my mother. How her eyes always lit up whenever she saw her children or her mate. Or when she would be speaking amongst pack members, she was always just a ball of light everywhere she went and her eyes represented that.

It has been 2 years. 2 fucking years since she has left and I still miss her. My role model, the one I always looked up to, my best friend. Just gone. I never even got to say 'I love you' or 'goodbye' one last time.

Slamming my fist against the sink I stare at my reflection. I can't help but see the flashbacks of the last time I saw my mother. She barely looked recognizable, there was so much blood, so many marks on her skin. And my father, my poor father the things he had to go through after she passed away. He made sure that she would not die in vain, yet I feel as if this whole thing between my pack and Blood Moon isn't over yet.

And the fact that I look so much like my dad doesn't help either. Although what he did such long ago before I was even born was one of his many mistakes, I still loved him, he made me the strong woman I am today. He pushed me towards my greatest potential and made sure that I would always be able to fight for myself or stand up for myself because he knew that I was born to be a leader, that I would have to lead the pack through everything we go through no matter how good or bad. And I couldn't be more grateful.

I didn't even realize that my eyes were closed as I was reminiscing about my parents. I look at myself in the mirror again, my face streamed with tears. I wipe them roughly off my face and grab my face wash. I lather my hands, before rubbing them on my face. Rinsing off my face, I start to brush my teeth.

I walk over to my closet to pick out an outfit for today. I look through the selection of clothes I have they have all been through a lot with me. I haven't grown a lot since freshmen year of high school, but it's fine because it means I don't really need to go through the stress of picking out new clothes and shoes every year. I don't even think I have the heart to get rid of these clothes, ranging from worn out letterman jackets and plain t-shirts to baggy sweats and jean skirts that I don't even wear anymore, but weird enough they still hold a strong value to my heart.

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