XIII// Greyson

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At Last - Beyonce (cover)

Chapter 13

This chapter will be referring back to chapter 11 and chapter 12 but in Greyson's POV. Because this will sort of explain the lycan stuff but more will be explained in future chapters, this chapter will give an insight on Grey and his mate of course! So I would highly recommend not skipping this chapter :)

To recap, Domenico had just marked Leona and she left Greece. Domenico wants to go after her but has to bring Greyson and a few other warriors along, and that is where this chapter begins.


Waking up a little earlier than usual I remember that I will be traveling to America for the first time.

I get out of bed, walk to the bathroom and start my morning routine. Taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and all that.

Walking out of the bathroom, I walk straight to my closet and open it talking a look at my wardrobe. I packed most of my good clothes away already plus I want to be comfortable so I choose my grey pullover hoodie, a pair of my black joggers, and my grey tennis shoes. I finish off my outfit with one of my white ball caps and black bomber jacket.

Checking myself out in the mirror I decided to take a few mirror pics for my fans out there, gotta keep my fans updated ya know.

Done with my mini photo shoot I grab my bags and start to head outside where the cars are meeting us. I see Domenico, my brother. Still not used to that, having a brother, but I am thankful for one anyways. I never really liked being an only child, I always wanted a brother, and what I never knew was that I had one this whole time. He chose the right timing too because I was supposed to be taking the throne in 2 years and I don't think that I would even be able to rule the kingdom, I always felt that I wasn't made for the throne, but now I know why.

Domenico stands next to our parents who look upset, but they still put big smiles on their faces. I walk to where they stand and hug my parents in a big group hug.

As soon as our hug breaks my dad puts his hand on my shoulder and says "δεν προκαλούν κανένα πρόβλημα" (Don't cause any trouble). I roll my eyes "ξέρεις ότι δεν πρέπει να ανησυχείς για μένα" (You know it's not me you have to worry about.)

My dad sighs and looks to Domenico and my mom talking to each other.
"Ελπίζω να μην προχωρήσει πάρα πολύ" (I hope he doesn't advance too much). And I nod at his words also looking at Domenico who looks really stressed and confused, not a really good mixture for his lycan side.

My dad takes my hand and places a little bottle with a liquid inside. I look at him with an eyebrow raised. "οι επιπλέον λύκοι του" (Its extra wolves bane). And I look back down at my hand placing the tiny bottle in between my index finger and thumb gently shaking it. The wolves bane rapidly moves all around the bottle and I find myself getting more distracted, but my dad clears his throat breaking me out of my little trance.

He sternly glares at me while I give him a small smile tucking the bottle into my pocket, making a mental note to hide it inside my bag.

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