XVII// The Shift

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The Days - Anders


My brain trying to process the information I had just received was tiresome.

I needed to go outside I just needed time alone. I found my way to the back doors where the light poured into the hall. I grab the handles of the doors pulling them back, feeling the cool breeze pass me and find its way into the palace. Looking out into the yard I see some of the guards roam around the backyard mingling around casually speaking with one another.

As soon they notice my presence they stiffen.

My bare feet meet the cool stone path that leads to the bar, my destination. I ignore their stares and focus my attention on the drinks that stand perfectly organized on the shelves, calling out to me. I walk behind the counter to the shelves of foreign drinks. I scan the options in front of me before I see a small mini fridge across from the shelves right below the counter. I bend over to open the fridge and I see a bunch of smaller drinks in cans or bottles. Seeing a beer and reach out to grab it before the door was slammed right in front of me.

Due to my quick reflexes, I moved my hand out of the way just in time. Standing back up to my full height I see a woman who looks a little bit older than me. She leans over the sink with her left arm propped up on the counter with a cig held between her pointer and middle finger.

Sniffing the air I also notice another smell on the she-wolf. I didn't even know they had the substance here. My eyes scan over the wolf, her eyes are bloodshot, her face looks as if she poured some kind of makeup substance just all over her face. It almost looked like she was melting. Her hair also looks a bit unkempt, just placed in a really messy ponytail on the top of her head.

She takes a long drag of the cigarette, closing her eyes as she does so, inhaling the nicotine and blows the excess smoke to her right. Her eyes open back up and the woman finally speaks.

"Long day?" Her voice sounds a bit raspier than normal feminine voices I hear, her voice also has a seductive feel to it.

I grimly nod to her question and try to reach over again to open the mini fridge, but she still stood still her hips against the fridge and she looks at me with a smug grin on her face.

"Are you sure that would help your troubles sweetie?"

"Yes, now could you please move out of the way." I firmly spit out getting more frustrated with the woman in front of me.

She stands straight and takes a few steps closer to me, but I quickly back away with an eyebrow raised. What is her deal?

"I think I have a better solution to your troubles." She reaches a finger over to me with the hand that holds the cigarette. I swat her hand away from me causing her to drop her cig on the floor. She scowls at me before stepping onto the cig with her shoe putting it out. She straightens herself out before throwing me another seductive look, once again trying to get closer to me.

"I promise I can make it worth your while." Her stale cigarette breath I could smell from miles away fans behind my ear as she whispers this.

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