XIX// Broken

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Chapter 19


Darkness, silence, pain. 

Seems to be the famous combo that comes my way every once in a while. Never able to catch a break. 

My mother lays lifeless on the hard ground, her head detached from her body. Blood sputtering everywhere. Pain tugs at my heart and through my head as everyone in the pack can feel her connection breaking with the pack. Her physical connection. 

A loud growl shakes the ground, ringing through our ears. 


I hear his footsteps, at a rapid pace, you could feel the urgency, the fear through his pace as he runs over to my mother. 

Once his presence is finally near he goes straight to her, lifting her lifeless body, blood still spilling. He glances over to her head that lays a few inches away from her body. Another loud growl shakes the whole area scaring some of the members. 

He then lets out a howl, a loud, long howl. A sound full of pain, a sound that truly represents how he feels. 



Tingles erupt through my hand.

I slowly try to open my eyes but the bright glare of the light above me causes me to shut them back closed again. 

"Leona?" Nico. I clearly recognize his voice. 

I try and force my eyes open once again. Succeding this time, but slowly letting my eyes adjust to the new surrounding. 

I hear a chair scrape against the floor as if being pushed back before the tingles trail up my arm to my neck, reaching up to my cheek. A feeling I missed. 

Once my eyes finally adjusted to the new setting, my mates face is the first thing I see hovering above me. His dark eyes making full eye content with mine, small creases in his forehead showing his concern, lips partly open. 


"I would advise you to keep those thoughts to yourself unless you don't mind staying in this hospital bed a little longer than expected." 


"On a serious note. I missed you so much." He gently places a small kiss on my forehead. 

My eyes flutter closed, the action so simple, but holds a big impact on me. It was like reassurance. His lips hold there for what felt like a slow second before they pull away. I open my eyes back up and look up to see him looking somber at me. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Its been too long since I have seen those eyes." 

"Too long? How long was I asleep?" 

"Lea, you were in a coma, for about 3 weeks." 

Hold on. Pause. 

3 weeks?!

"You said 3 weeks?"

"Yeah, Leona I don't know what happened when I was gone but apparently it took a really big toll on you mentally and physically, even on your wolf." 

My brows furrow, "what, h-how? I don't understand." As soon as the words leave my mouth we hear a knock at the door. "come in." 

The door swings open slowly and a tall man in a red scrubs and a white lab coat walks in with a clipboard in hand. "γεια σας Alpha Marino and Prince Domenico." (Hello). I am Doctor Leos. 

"γεια σας."We both reply. I observe him as he walks over to the bed that I lay on, Domenico still sitting by my side, before he realizes he should move and quickly gets up and stands by the foot of the bed. I instantly miss his presence right next to me, I know he not that far from me, but I crave his touch and presence. 

"Nice to see you are finally awake Alpha. All it took was time and patience. Right Prince Stone?" 

He rolls his eyes, "Yes, θείος." (Uncle).

Uncle? And since when did my Nico speak Greek?

'Since my father has been teaching me small phrases ever since we arrived, αγάπη.' (Love).

'Stop listening to my thoughts.' I glare over to Nico who still stands at the foot of the bed, his large arms crossed, and a stupid smirk on his face. 

'Make me.' He winks. 


"Alpha? Are you listening?" 

I blink over to the doctor standing in front of me, who is also apparently the uncle of Nico. I quickly nod now paying attention to him rather than my tease of a mate. 

He explains to me how I had so much pressure on me from stress, and how I was not eating or drinking correctly the week that Nico had gone missing, leading up to my body being extremely unhealthy and weak. All of the symptoms adding up drastically affected my wolf, she was becoming weaker. And since the mate bond was also progressively getting weaker as time passed, everytime that we tried to communicate with Nico through mind link, it was building more pressure on my brain, and my wolf. And when I had gone on the run with the king, my body already becoming weak was actually getting even weaker without any of us knowing. All the pressure then lead up to my body shutting down, almost as a way to restore itself. 

"Oh. uh. wow." 

"So it just took your body 3 weeks to fully restore it to its normal levels and to your full strength." 

"So am I fully recovered? I am good to leave?" 

"Yeah pretty much, you may still feel a bit weak the first few hours you are up, but you and your wolf are now at your best potential, so I don't see you having much difficulty adjusting now." 

I breathe out a sigh of relief. 

"Alright then thank you uncle, I think its best I take Leona to her room now." 

Doctor Leos rolled his eyes at his nephew. "Children, so eager" he muttered to himself. And lead himself out of the door. 

Nico chuckled to himself and started to stride towards the side of the hospital bed. He sat himself next to my legs. 

"If you want, we can go back to your room and I can get you caught up with everything that happened." He spoke out quietly. 

Oh yeah. I still have no idea of what exactly went down. And I still felt like I am in the dark with everything that has happened. 

I nodded, letting him take my hand leading him and I back to my room. 


Published: 01/30/19

Word Count: 1059

A/N: Ugh, I know. A short ass chapter. My apologies but I really wanted to post tonight. New year same me lmao. Hope everyone's year is going great so far. Till next time.



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